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Here you will find all TSA Strengthens questions that have been written 2008-2019.

The United States attempts to reduce the supply of illegal drugs by intercepting shipments and eradicating illegal crops. Despite these efforts, illegal drugs are still readily available, because growers, for example those in Colombia, move to different areas and plant smaller plots that are harder to find. So more effort should be made to reduce demand. This does not simply mean reducing the total number of people using illegal drugs. Because the important task is to cut consumption by heavy users, drug-dependent criminals in the country’s jails should be treated for their addiction. In this way drug-related social problems can be reduced.

33. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    The argument is that demand for illegal drugs need to be reduced by treating drug-dependent criminals for their addiction. A is irrelevant as there argument does not refer to the price of drugs. B may actually weaken the argument by suggesting that the problem is already being tackled in a different way. C may also weaken the argument by implying that drug-user could refuse treatment for their addiction, which would mean that the method of reducing drug-related problems given in the argument would not be effective. D most strengthens the argument because if heavy drug-users are most responsible for drug-related crime, treating their addictions should help reduce this crime, which is the argument given in the passage E may strengthen the argument but only slightly as it is only an opinion.

    Post Comment

    If children are sitting in rows in a classroom, the teacher can have eye contact with all of them while she is explaining something to them. This is not always possible if they are sitting in groups around tables. Also, when they look up, instead of seeing the child opposite in a group and being tempted to talk, they see the teacher. So, sitting in rows helps children to concentrate better on their work and should therefore be the standard arrangement in every school classroom.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is that children in classrooms should be sat in rows. B gives a disadvantage of sitting in rows and groups so does not strengthen the argument that rows are better. C gives an advantage of sitting in groups, which the passage is arguing against, hence it weakens the argument. D only highlights an opinion therefore does not most strengthen the argument. E does strengthen the argument by giving an advantage of sitting in rows (over groups) and therefore is the answer. A does give an advantage of sitting in rows, but as the same is said about sitting in groups, it does not strengthen the argument as much as E.

    Post Comment

    In a high speed police chase, police drivers sometimes lose sight of the car they are chasing. But that’s no reason to give up. All they have to do is take the first left, and then the first left again. Pursued drivers are likely to keep taking turns as they come up, as this seems instinctively like the best way to lose someone who is following them. They are not going to turn right as this involves waiting and checking for oncoming traffic. Therefore take a couple of left turns and the police car will soon have their criminal in sight once again!

    33. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen this argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that there is a method police can use to catch criminals in a high speed chase, involving taking left turns as they appear, and that this will allow them to catch the criminals. C strengthens the argument by stating an advantage that police have over the criminals, making the argument that the police will catch up with the criminals more likely. A may weaken the argument by implying the opposite to C. B neither strengthens nor weakens the argument as it has already been stated that drivers do this in real life. D may actually weaken the argument by suggesting that the police would require helicopter assistant to gain sight of the criminals they are catching, rather than being able to catch them alone using the left-turn method given in the passage.

    Post Comment

    Land reform is urgently needed in the UK. It is well documented that around two-thirds of Britain is owned by just 0.3% of the population. Many of the largest estates have been in the hands of the same families for centuries, and were acquired under outdated feudal laws, often by means of aggression. If these families had any sense of social justice in the 21st century they would by now have voluntarily surrendered all but the acreage they needed for personal privacy. __________________________________ the state should confiscate all excessive land holdings without compensation and redistribute them into the families of workers and taxpayers at affordable prices.

    46. Which of the following phrases, inserted in the blank space, most logically completes the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    Post Comment
    anon Medicmind Tutor

    Thu, 05 Oct 2023 09:19:39

    why is it E?

    Researchers studying the effects of diet on health sometimes use ‘randomised intervention trials’. One group – the intervention group – is asked to change some aspect of diet, for example eat less fat or more fruit, while the other group – the control group – is told to eat as At the end of the trial the number of cases of, say, colon cancer, in the two groups can be compared. Such results could be misleading, because as the study progresses, the ‘intervention’ subjects become less conscientious about sticking to their supposedly healthy diet, so the longer the study goes on, the less the diets of the two groups differ. Yet to get results that are statistically significant, the study must go on as long as possible.

    33. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that the results from ‘randomised intervention trials’ on the effects on diet on health could be misleading because subjects stick to their diet plan less as the study continues. Answer A strengthens the argument because it gives an example of when subjects do not follow their diet plan due to an external influence. B is irrelevant. C does not strengthen the argument as it draws in another point that the argument as not considered, rather than strengthening the existing argument. D is does not strengthen the argument because it does not argue that diet could contribute to colon cancer, only that it could be used as an example trial. E is irrelevant as the effects of exercise and smoking are not related to the argument.

    Post Comment

    The recent campaign to reduce the number of people who drive while over the legal alcohol limit was very successful. But reducing it further is going to be difficult without addressing one of the main problems: people in rural areas have no choice, in the absence of public transport, but to use their People who live in towns and cities can use buses, trains or readily available taxis if they want to go out for a drink. Furthermore, they don’t have to go far to find pubs and clubs. Unless the Government wants the level of drink-driving to increase, it needs to ensure that far more pubs and clubs are built in rural areas.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    The argument is that more pubs/clubs need to be built in rural areas to reduce the level of drink-driving, because then people living in rural areas would not have to travel as far. D strengthens the argument because if more people will be living in rural areas, more people would have to drive to towns and cities to get to pubs/clubs, which may increase levels of drink-driving.

    Post Comment

    The production of standard disposable nappies from petrochemicals is wholly unsustainable. It is estimated that, while in disposable nappies, a baby will generate two tonnes of used nappies which will end up in landfill. Washable nappies have a significantly reduced environmental impact at production and at eventual disposal. Landfill sites are already in short supply, with recycling programmes aiming to reduce waste. However, if the Government wants to meet its sustainability targets it must do more to increase the use of washable nappies.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the government must do more to increase use of washable nappies if it wants to meet its sustainability targets, because washable nappies have reduced environmental impact, whereas tonnes of disposable nappies per baby that uses them will end up in landfill. A weakens the argument because it gives a disadvantage of using washable nappies in terms of sustainability. B also weakens the argument because is gives an advantage of disposable nappies. C gives an environmental disadvantage of disposable nappies, which strengthens the argument. D and E neither strengthen nor weaken the argument.

    Post Comment

    In recent years there has been a great deal of media attention focused on the private lives of politicians and world leaders, with particular attention paid to their personal There are those who suggest that this attention is unwarranted because only their professional abilities are important to their political role. This attitude fails to consider that the public have little insight into the day-to-day lives of world leaders and, indeed, few points of reference. Personal lives offer common ground. In democratic states leaders are elected based on how the public perceive them, and private lives can offer an insight into an individual’s values. The personal aspects of a politician’s life should continue to be reported if the electorate find it important.

    21. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is that the personal lives of politicians should be reported if the public find it important. The reasons given for this include the fact that the public have little insight into the lives of world leaders and because personal lives offer a way for the public to relate to the politicians. E strengthens the argument by suggesting that the insight into politicians’ lives they see will be an accurate representation of their actual lives, which increases the likelihood of the public finding these insights important. A, B and D seem not to affect the strength of the argument, whereas C may actually weaken it because it gives a negative effect of allowing public insight into the lives of politicians.

    Post Comment

    Many rich countries protect their farming sectors with generous subsidies. It may be claimed that this policy can benefit countries in which people are starving or malnourished by encouraging farmers to produce more food than can be consumed in their own But the policy is not in the best interests of poorer countries. Poor countries do not want charitable handouts – they want to develop the ability to feed their populations by their own efforts. If the amount spent on the European Commission’s Common Agricultural Policy were invested in, say, irrigation schemes, that would transform the agriculture of many impoverished nations. This would surely be a better way to solve the problem of world hunger.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that poor countries should be aided through things like irrigation schemes rather than money so the countries become able to feed their population themselves. Answer A is irrelevant as population growth is not mentioned in the passage. B similarly does not affect the strength of the argument. C strengthens the argument because it gives a disadvantage of rich countries attempting to supply food to poorer countries. D weakens the argument by arguing for subsides. E may also weaken the argument by suggesting that the agricultural improvement argued for in the passage may not work in poor countries.

    Post Comment

    There was a 17 per cent decline in public library use in the UK between 1993 and 2003 according to a report by CABE (The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment). They suggest this is not due to a lack of public interest in reading books. Rather it is the authoritarian style and image of libraries with their rules about silence and fines for late returns of books. Those few libraries that have moved away from this image such as the one in Bournemouth, which provide cafes and ‘chill-out’ zones, have seen a 40 per cent increase in library use. Therefore it is clear that the future of the function of the UK library service will be more assured if all libraries follow this lead.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the above argument?
  • 2


    The correct answer is C.

    Part of the argument is that library use has declined in the UK due to rules, fines, etc. but not due to lack of public interest in books. Answer A is irrelevant because the passage refers specifically to library use in the UK. Answer B does not affect the strength of the argument because it refers to the proportion of public library users, rather than the overall number. Answer D may weaken the argument by suggesting that library in order to access computers increased during this period, implying that library use for book access must have decreased (in order to compensate for the overall decrease in library use between 1993 and 2003). Answer E presents a similar stance to D. Therefore the answer must be C, which strengthens the argument because it suggests that public interest in reading books has not fallen, supporting the argument that the decline in library use was not due to a lack of public interest in books.

    Post Comment

    In the UK, house prices have risen at far greater rates than inflation, fuelled by unprecedented levels of borrowing. Because of these high prices, owning their own home has become unaffordable for many people. Those who are able to ‘own’ their own home must do so burdened by a huge level of debt. Since the recent financial crisis can be attributed in part to those who were unable to meet the repayments on their debts, governments should attempt to tackle the problem at its root and take action to prevent a continued rise in house prices above the level of inflation.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that the government should ‘take action to prevent a continued rise in house prices’ because current prices are making owning houses unaffordable for many people and putting others in debt. Answer A strengthens the argument because it gives support for the fact that housing is continually become more unaffordable, therefore emphasising the need for the government to take action. Answer B weakens the argument by suggesting the opposite trend in house prices, indicating that the government do not need to take action. Answer C may be considered to strengthen the argument slightly, because it suggests less people can afford to borrow money, again emphasising unaffordable housing, but lending money may not help with debt anyway because the borrower would have to pay it (or more) back in the end, eliminating C. Answer D weakens the argument by suggesting there are limited pathways for the government to take when addressing this problem.

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    High street stores should not be able to sell financial products, because consumers should not be misled into buying products they may not need by staff who do not understand what they are selling. Financial products require an understanding of financial services, and very few high street retailers have members of staff in store who can fully explain the benefits and disadvantages of the financial products being sold.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that ‘High street stores should not be able to sell financial products’ because they are being mis-sold. A strengthens the argument because it gives evidence for high street stores already mis-selling financial products. C may weaken the argument, because it suggests that consumers are aware of how they are being sold financial products prior to buying them and are hence not being mis-sold them, eliminating C. B and D are irrelevant to the argument. E may weaken the argument by pointing blame on the consumer for their lack of awareness, excluding E.

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    We live in an information-rich world where communication is quicker and easier than ever before. We don’t have to wait for journalists and photographers to report news to us. Anyone can talk about or take photographs of significant events and share them immediately. Traditional ways of reporting meant that news could be effectively censored, but this is no longer the case. Similarly, incorrect information cannot be removed from the public domain without great difficulty. Governments and the traditional media will therefore need to find new ways to cope with these challenges and adapt to new technology.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument given in the text is that with the new accessibility to publishing and viewing information the government needs to adapt to this for effective censorship, this would mean certain information should not be made publically available. We can rule out options A, B and D given they are not relevant to this argument. Option D would weaken the argument as this indicates it is possible and simple to maintain censorship, whilst option C strengthens the argument successfully by providing an example of how information can be made public without any trace back to the individual, therefore making it harder to prevent.

    Post Comment

    Couples who have more than two children are being ‘irresponsible’ by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s Sustainable Development adviser has warned. The adviser says that curbing population growth through contraception must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. Political leaders and ‘green’ campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population. Each baby born in the UK will, during his or her lifetime, burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of woodland – an area the size of Trafalgar Square. The UK population, now 62 million, will exceed 70 million by 2028. On average, women born outside the UK have 2.5 children compared with 1.7 for those born in the UK. The global population of 7 billion is expected to rise to 9.2 billion by 2050. Governments of both developed and developing nations must act to limit family size if they are serious about reducing energy consumption.

    33. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is C.

    Irresponsible sexual interactions lead to an increased number of children. << Main idea. A – This is not a main conclusion. B – The carbon footprint is only briefly mentioned and is not the main point. C – This is a main point as its mentioned several times through “contraception” and “irresponsibility”. D -This is not mentioned. E – The increased number of children is the issue not the decreased number.

    Post Comment

    Despite recent improvements to their training, a new study suggests that the police are as susceptible as the general public to holding false beliefs about crime and punishment. Participants in the study were questioned about their views on a number of crime-related myths such as ‘capital punishment is an effective way to deter criminal activity’ – myths, because they are unsupported by research evidence. Police were just as likely to endorse the misconceptions as the lay participants and, moreover, were more confident in their false beliefs. This is a worrying example of a ‘scientist–practitioner gap’, a term which describes a situation where professionals do not accept the evidence of research relevant to their roles. Studies have shown that training can permanently reduce the ‘scientist–practitioner gap’. Police officers need more training.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is E.

    We want to strengthen the argument. The argument is that police officers are confident in endorsing false beliefs and they do not accept evidence of research relevant to the roles. Therefore they need training to reduce this ‘science-practitioner gap’. E strengthens this argument as it explains that non-evidence based views are likely to lead to public complaints. This directly supports the argument for training to reduce the ‘science-practitioner gap’ and therefore reduce public complaints. The other options are not directly relevant to the argument: A doesn’t relate to training, as it is before they are recruited; B if anything would dispel the argument; C is irrelevant to the specific issue of policing, D is irrelevant as the argument doesn’t involve practicality.

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