Speed as well as accuracy is important in this section. Work quickly, or you might not finish the paper. There are no penalties for incorrect responses, only marks for correct answers, so you should attempt all questions. Each question is worth one mark.

Calculators are NOT permitted.

Here you will find all TSA Assumptions questions that have been written 2008-2019.

The Executive of the Students’ Union has recently carried out a survey to identify dangerous areas on campus. The survey led to the recommendation and implementation of measures such as improved lighting in suspect areas. Such reforms can only help to reduce the number of attacks on campus.

However, the University lake and its surrounding area was not included in the survey as, despite being considered part of the campus, it actually belongs to the City Council. This means the University has no direct influence over safety standards in the area. It should therefore definitely be avoided by lone students at night.

5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of this argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    This passage is discussing how the University has implemented new improved safety features on areas of the campus. it also mentions that the council Is an ownership of the Lake thus the University cannot use these safety features in the Lake.

    From this we can conclude that the Lake would be a dangerous place and should be avoided by students who are alone at night.

    D is the only answer which correctly illustrates a flaw because the statement is assuming that only thing making the area safer is the new safety measures and is ignoring the possibility that the council could have included their own safety features

    Both C and E are not relevant. They do not discuss whether the area will be dangerous without the implementation of safety features

    B would make the argument stronger because if the council believes that the Lake is part of the university’s campus it can be inferred that they have not implemented any safety features as it’s not their own so it reinforces that it may be dangerous

    A is not an assumption because even if students look after their own safety the idea of walking alone around the Lake at night maybe something they avoid anyways – we can possibly see this as a preventative measure by students

    Post Comment

    It is not always clear whether a doctor should tell the truth to a patient or not. On the one hand, patients have a right to know what is the matter with them and what the future holds, so that they can make their own informed decisions, however upsetting the truth may be. It is a simple issue of human rights. But on the other hand, a patient’s health may sometimes be better served by not knowing a frightening truth. For instance, a doctor may believe that a patient’s medical condition will actually worsen if they realise how serious it Therefore, there are cases in which doctors have no choice: they must decide in favour of deceiving the patient.

    16. Which of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    It can be concluded that doctors must deceive their patients in some medical scenarios. The reasons given to support this notion is that patients have the right to know the truth however certain scenarios it may be better to hide the truth to protect the patient’s health.

    D has not been stated (remember assumptions are not stated) and it is the only reasoning that supports the conclusion as we are assuming doctor’s greater responsibility is the patient’s well-being rather than the truth

    E is contradictory to D and E is supporting the fact we should tell the truth as that is a human right

    C is irrelevant as it is related to the patient feeling upset and not about their health worsening upon knowing the truth

    B is irrelevant as it refers to fear rather than health and knowing the truth

    A is also irrelevant as a patient’s view of the doctor’s responsibility does not matter in this case

    Post Comment

    In the case of plastic drink bottles, recycling is not the best answer to the problem of garbage disposal. Ninety five per cent of soft-drink bottles sold in the United States are made of a compound of polyethylene (PET) which poses recycling problems. They are potentially carcinogenic if recycled into new food or drink containers. Recycled PET tends to absorb other chemicals before re-melting and these chemicals could leach into food or drink that is stored in a recycled container.   However, if disposed of in landfill sites, plastic is not harmful to the environment. It can be squashed flat, so that it occupies little space and it is inert. Unlike other waste, it does not leach into soil or water, nor does it produce a dangerous build-up of methane.

    29. Which of the following is an underlying assumption of the argument above?
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    The correct answer is D.

    In the passage it is stated that: ‘Recycled PET tends to absorb other chemicals before re-melting and these chemicals could leach into food or drink that is stored in a recycled container’. This point is used to support the argument that ‘recycling is not the best answer to the problem of garbage disposal’. But for this argument only gives a disadvantage for use of recycled PET in food and drink containers. For this argument to be valid, it must be that there are no other uses (besides food and drink containers) for recycled PET, because if there were then we may have an advantage of recycling PET and then a challenge to the conclusion that recycling may not be the best way forwards. This assumption is highlights by D. The remaining answer options are not necessary assumptions, as if each was taken to be false individually, the argument would still hold (be valid).

    Post Comment

    French golfer, Jean Van de Velde, appeared to throw away his big chance to win the Open Championship, after giving up what could only be described as an unassailable Most players would have been distraught to have victory snatched from them in such a way. But, interviewed afterwards, Van de Velde pointed out that it was, after all, only a game: There are worse things in life, he said. Really? It may be refreshing to hear a top competitor express such a philosophical attitude, but it also explains fully why the prize eluded him. At that level you have to believe that nothing is worse than losing.

    40. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The argument indicates that the reason why Jean Van de Velde did not win the Open Championship was because he did not mind if he didn’t win. This is shown by the writer’s apparent shocked/confused tone in response to the unorthodox reaction of the French Golfer after he didn’t win, coupled with the statement ‘it also explains fully why the prize eluded him’. Therefore, it must be assumed if Van de Valde did not have this attitude towards winning, he would have won, which is highlighted by answer A. B is not assumed as the argument refers to a specific example of a golfer and does not make any generalised statements of this. C is not an assumption, as it stated explicitly that top competitors need to believe this in the final sentence of the passage..

    Post Comment

    Many people suffer from depression in modern society. This can be alleviated through drugs such as Prozac, which alter the chemical balance of the brain. However, the individual can undergo psychotherapy, which involves talking through problems with a sympathetic and skilled fellow human being with a view to putting the subject in a more positive frame of mind. Depressed individuals who do not like the idea of their brain chemistry being altered should therefore choose psychotherapy.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is that depressed individuals who do not want their brain chemistry to be altered should choose psychotherapy as their treatment option because drugs used to treat depression alter brain chemistry. For this argument to be valid, it must be that psychotherapy does not affect brain chemistry, as this is the reasoning the argument gives for choosing it over drugs. This assumption is highlighted by E.

    Post Comment

    Unlike motorways in many European countries, British motorways were built with hard shoulders for use in a breakdown or emergency. The proposal to use the hard shoulders to relieve congestion during peak traffic hours should not be adopted. It would be inconvenient for emergency services because when the hard shoulders are in use, it would be difficult for emergency vehicles to reach an accident. Nor would it be likely to significantly reduce congestion because it would be difficult to remove obstructions caused by broken down vehicles, and in any case the volume of traffic is increasing massively each year. But the most important reason is that we should seek to maintain Britain’s relatively good record of safety on Other ways of relieving congestion must be sought.

    16. Which of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    The argument states that hard shoulders should not be used to relieve congestion. The penultimate sentence of the passage suggests that the removal of hard shoulders would make Britain’s motorways left safe. For this to be the case, we must assume that hard shoulders in Britain contribute somewhat to road safety, which is highlighted by E.A, B, C and D are not assumptions as if they were not true, the validity of the argument would not be affected.

    Post Comment

    A kidney can be taken safely from a living person, and can save the life of a dying patient. Given that the demand for kidney transplants exceeds the supply of donated kidneys, the law in the UK that forbids people to sell one of their kidneys should be abolished, because this would result in a greater number of successful kidney transplants. People are worried that it would involve rich patients exploiting poor potential donors. But selling one’s kidney to support one’s family is not very much different from supporting one’s family by working in a dangerous occupation. Some patients have bought kidneys and received transplants in other countries, where the risks to their life from such operations can be great.

    29. Which of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that the law in the UK that prevents people selling one of their kidneys should be abolished, because this would result in a greater number of successful kidney transplants. For this argument to be valid, it must follow that the abolishment of the law would increase the number of available kidneys for transplantation due to and increased number of people selling their kidneys. For this to be the case, it must be that people would automatically begin selling their kidneys once it has be legalised, hence the argument assumes that some people are willing to do this, which is highlighted by B. A,C D and E are not assumptions because if they were not true the validity of the argument would not be affected.

    Post Comment

    Athletes who have huge potential to draw both live and television audiences expect to be rewarded financially for their skill and hours of dedication in training. However, large prize money at televised meetings does nothing to help future generations of athletes who need time off work and good facilities to achieve their potential. The only fair solution is to take a levy from top athletes’ pay to ensure money is available to help the up-and-coming Otherwise the burden will fall on the general taxpayer, or on the future athletes and their families, with the result that some will inevitably fail simply through lack of money.

    40. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
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    The correct answer is C.

    Part of the argument is that some money from top athletes’ pay to ensure money should be made available to help the up-and-coming participants, or else the burden will fall on the general taxpayer. For this argument to be valid, it must be that we do not want this burden to fall on the taxpayer, which is highlighted by C, which is therefore the required assumption. The remaining 4 answers are not assumptions because if they were not true the argument would still be valid.

    Post Comment

    If drivers were made to pay for road use according to the amount of time they spent on the road, they would drive more dangerously. Experiments were conducted with volunteers using a driving simulator. In the first experiment, the volunteers were charged for time spent driving below 10mph in order to see how people coped with trying to avoid congestion. In the second experiment, they were charged for the time spent in a particular area. The results were alarming. The volunteers in the first experiment jumped many red lights in an attempt to keep their speed up. Those in the second frequently broke the speed limit, and overtook in dangerous situations. In the interests of road safety, we should not introduce such payment schemes.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that we should not introduce payment schemes that charge drivers according to the amount of time they spend on the roads because this would encourage dangerous driving. The support given for this in the passage is that when people were charged for road usage in driving simulators, they often drove dangerously. For this argument to be valid from the support given, the driving simulators must be a good representation of real driving, which may not necessarily be the case, which is highlighted by answer A.

    Post Comment

    The siting of mobile phone masts is a controversial matter in the UK, particularly when they are situated at or near schools and hospitals. The Stewart Report concluded that the balance of evidence indicated that there was no general risk to the health of people living near mobile phone masts but recommended a regular audit of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) emissions from masts sited near schools and hospitals. The Government have complied with this latter recommendation and carried out regular audits all of which show that RFR emissions are far below the levels of national and international guidelines. Therefore, mobile phone masts are safe and not injurious to health and can be sited anywhere.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is that mobile phone masts are safe and therefore can be situated anywhere. The support given for this argument relates to low radio frequency radiation emissions, signalling that they are safe. However, fro this argument to be valid, one must assume that the only possible harm mobile phone masts could cause is via radiation, which is highlighted by point E.

    Post Comment

    Powdered rhinoceros horn has often been claimed to have aphrodisiac properties. However, a recent investigation showed no evidence that it has any chemical effect whatsoever on the human nervous system. What is more, in an experiment in which 100 people were given powdered rhinoceros horn and another 100 people were given powdered rice, without knowing what they were taking, more of those taking the rice indicated that they felt an increase in sexual arousal than did those taking the rhinoceros horn. This demonstrates conclusively that rhinoceros horn is not an aphrodisiac.

    29. Which one of the above is an underlying assumption of the argument in the passage?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The argument concludes that rhinoceros horn is not an aphrodisiac because when compared with rice in a study, consuming rice lead to a greater increase in sexual arousal. However, the argument has not considered that rhinocerous horn may still be an aphrodisiac but just to a lesser extent than rice. Therefore, the argument must be assuming that rice lacks aphrodisiac properties, which is highlighted by answer A.

    Post Comment

    Success in modern America is very much measured by the quantity of material possessions one has. A lack of material possessions means one is judged to be unsuccessful. Those people with few material possessions therefore must feel a strong sense of failure.

    40. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is that people with few material possessions therefore must feel a strong sense of failure because success is measured by the quantity of material possessions one has. However, for this to be valid it must follow that those with few material possessions have a desire for success, otherwise they would not have this sense of failure; this is highlighted by point E. A and B are not alluded to in the passage. C and D may be inferred from the passage, but do not need to be assumed for the argument to be valid.

    Post Comment

    Cannabis smoking is widespread, even though it is illegal. It is also more dangerous to health than most people realise. If we want to reduce the use of cannabis, it should be legalised. People do not turn away from dangerous habits unless they are fully aware of the damage these habits can cause. We should have learnt this lesson from the example of tobacco smoking, which has declined dramatically because people have seen that it results in deaths from lung cancer.

    5. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that to reduce the risk of cannabis it should be legalised because it will make people more aware of its dangers to health. The statement given in A actually contradicts what is said in the last sentence of the passage, which implies that people are aware due to lung cancer deaths. C cannot be an assumption as the argument is for legalising cannabis. Research is not alluded to in the passage so D is not an assumption. E is not an assumption because the argument is that people are less aware of the dangers of cannabis whilst its use is illegal, not that it being illegal is a reason for its use. Therefore C is the assumption, as for the argument to be valid it must follow that legalising cannabis will make people aware of its dangers, so the converse must be true.

    Post Comment

    At first glance, there is no phenomenon creepier than crop circles – huge geometric designs that appear in fields overnight seemingly without cause, explanation or reason. UFO enthusiasts are quick to supply all three, by attributing the patterns to alien visitors seeking to communicate with humans, using laser beams or other advanced technology to flatten the crops. These fanciful claims can fortunately be dismissed thanks to two quite mundane observations. Firstly, ordinary Earth-born individuals have repeatedly demonstrated how to produce the effects with nothing more elaborate than a rope and a plank. Secondly, there is a clear parallel for the phenomenon in the form of urban graffiti. Sneaking into fields to make crop circles is simply a rural variation of a widespread and well-documented human urge.

    16. Which one of the following is an implicit, underlying assumption that is made by the above argument?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that crop circles are not caused by aliens/UFOs because the crops circles can be easily made and because it is an example of human graffiti. However, just because the arguments give ways that crops circles can be formed, UFO landings could still remain an explanation, i.e. the argument does not disprove the theory that crop circles are caused by UFO landings. Therefore the argument assumes that, although the possible explanation of alien activity exists, we should accept the more plausible explanation that the crop circle effects have been created by humans. This is highlighted by answer A.

    Post Comment

    A recent study by a drugs company found that the amount of money spent on a specific pill used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the UK showed wide regional variation. Alzheimer’s is a condition associated with the ageing process. In some areas the expenditure was as low as £1 per head of the population over 65 whereas in others it was as high as £10 per head. These pills are the most effective treatment for this condition that is currently available. Therefore, this is another example of ‘post-code lottery’ where the effectiveness of treatment for a health condition will depend upon where you live.

    29. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    Post Comment
    anon Medicmind Tutor

    Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:33:12

    why is the answer C?

    University education is not a matter of forcing through the largest number of graduates at the lowest possible short-term cost. This would not serve the needs of the current generation of students and, even from a narrow economic viewpoint, it would not promote economic prosperity in the long term. It is often a poor economic practice to skimp on the production costs of a product, even when you are only interested in the eventual monetary profit to be made from it. But in any event university education has wider purposes than merely the promotion of economic prosperity.

    40. Which of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    Post Comment
    anon Medicmind Tutor

    Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:34:04

    why is the answer D?

    In the UK 45% of the workforce is female, but the percentage of women in senior positions, both in the professions and in business, is considerably lower. This is unfair to women, and also bad for the economy, in that those who are promoted to senior positions may not be the most able. Women may be discouraged from seeking promotion because employers require senior employees to work long and inflexible hours. Women may also be perceived as being unwilling to subordinate the demands of family to the demands of the So employers must be urged to offer flexibility in working hours, and to seek to move away from the UK’s culture of long working hours.

    5. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    The argument is that employers should be prompted to offer more flexibility in working hours and possibly fewer working hours to prevent these aspects from discouraging females from seeking promotion to senior positions. It also refers to the lower percentage of women in senior positions than men. In order for the suggested changes in working hours to result in an increase in females in senior positions, there must be no other reasons why females would be less likely to be promoted than men. Therefore the assumption in this argument must be that women are no less suitable than men for working in senior positions, which is highlighted by answer D.

    Post Comment

    ‘People who see America as ‘The Great Satan’ often forget how, whatever the nation’s faults, it is truly heaving with free debate. After his re-election in 2004 the public and media began turning against George W Bush with a ferocity which matched only their bewildering support for him Every day newspapers revealed polls that were more damaging for the president. The bookshops were packed with anti-administration best-sellers. At number one was Fiasco by Thomas E Ricks about, obviously, the war in Iraq. Nor are the shops just small, political outlets, you could find: 100 Ways America Is Screwing Up The World; Losing Our Democracy; How GWB Misleads America, and dozens of similar titles, even in major chain stores.’

    16. The above argument rests on the implicit assumption that:
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    The correct answer is B.

    The first sentence in the passage states that America is heaving with free debate and support is given for this in the following sentence, giving the ferocity of the public and media against George W Bush as the example. However, for this example to support the argument, it must somehow show that free debate is taking/took place in America. Therefore the argument relies on the assumption that the turn of the people against George W Bush highlights that free debate is taking place, which is given by answer B.

    Post Comment

    Many drivers deliberately break traffic laws, both because they are convinced that there is little chance of getting caught and because, even if they are caught, the penalties do not act as a sufficient For example, people who would never think of stealing money even when they needed it, think nothing of routinely exceeding a 30mph limit even in a street where children are playing. It is clear, then, that a substantial reduction in road accidents can be achieved only by catching more motorists who break the law and by increasing the penalties for such law-breakers.

    29. Which one of the following is an assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the number of road accidents can only be significantly reduced by reducing the number of people who break traffic laws. For this argument to be valid, we must assume that breaking traffic laws causes road accidents directly, which is stated in answer C. A is not an assumption because it does not state in the passage that the number of road accidents are increasing. B is not an assumption as the passage actually states that many offenders ‘think nothing’ of breaking the law, so it does not need to be assumed.

    Post Comment

    We should restore capital punishment for the offence of pre-meditated murder. It is true that, in the past, occasional mistakes have been made and innocent men have been hanged. However, with the improvements in forensic science and DNA testing, the chances of a mistake have receded. Restoring capital punishment would ensure real justice is done and, incidentally, it would also save the country a considerable amount of money in housing prisoners on long life sentences.

    40. Which one of the following is an assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that capital punishment should be brought back as the punishment for murder because it would ensure real justice is done and it would save money by reducing spending on long prison sentences. The support given for this argument includes that mistakes (causing innocent people to be hanged) have reduced due to scientific advances. For the argument to be valid, it must be that real justice can still be achieved through capital punishment, despite these occasional mistakes. This assumption is highlighted in answer B. Answer A is not an assumption because the passage states that forensics have reduced the chances of calling innocent people guilty but does no way suggest that no mistakes are made. C cannot be an assumption because the final sentence in the passage states that restoring capital punishment would ‘incidentally’ save money and suggests that ensuring justice is done, rather than the saving of money, being the most important factor. D is not an assumption as the use of capital punishment of a deterrent is not alluded to in the slightest; the reasons given are restoration of justice and saving money. The public opinion is not mentioned, so E is irrelevant.

    Post Comment

    At Everthorpe Prison in Yorkshire, prisoners made no attempt to escape using ladders placed against the outside walls by drug dealers and prostitutes plying their trades. A prison officer spokesperson said that this was because the authorities had made prisons too comfortable and thus failed to deter A large number of released prisoners quickly reoffended and returned to prison, where they had all the comforts of home: a television in each cell, breakfast in bed, a wage and cash bonuses for good behaviour.

    5. Which one of the following is an implicit assumption upon which the spokesperson’s argument rests?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The spokesperson’s argument is that prisons failed to deter criminals because they have been made to comfortable. One piece of evidence given in support of this argument is that ‘prisoners quickly reoffended’, implying that the reason they did this was due to the comfort of prison. However, this suggests that if prison was not comfortable, then the prisoners wouldn’t have reoffended, hence A is the assumption.

    Post Comment

    Largely because of the influence of celebrity TV chefs and increased customer demand, many supermarkets have recently enlarged the amount of game (e.g. rabbits, pheasants and venison) in their meat sections. Factory farming is seen as cruel to the animals involved. Rabbit meat, in particular, is selling well as it is tastier than chicken and is cheaper than beef or Game is also low in fat and cholesterol. If people are really concerned about animal welfare they should take advantage of the increased availability of game in the supermarkets. They will also be getting a nutritious and cheap diet.

    16. Which of the following best expresses the underlying assumption in the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The part of the argument is that people should buy more game meat if they are concerned about animal welfare. This implies that the production of game meat does not compromise animal welfare. Therefore C must be an assumption, because the second sentence in the passage states that factory farming is cruel to animals, so if those who are concerned about animal welfare should buy game, game must not be produced by factory farming as this method is not fair to animals.

    Post Comment

    For the second year running the Silver Star Prize for art was awarded to a video artist, raising again the big question: What is great art? Many have condemned this year’s choice on the grounds that a documentary-style video film cannot be considered as creative art at all in the way that, say, painting and sculpture can. The Silver Star jury, however, praised the ’emotional force of the work and its complexity beneath an apparently simple surface’. If they are right in this evaluation then clearly video is as much a medium for great art as any other form of expressions.

    29. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the argument above?
  • 1


    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that video must be as good as any other medium for great art, if the Silver Star jury were accurate in their evaluation, which praised the emotional force and complexity of the video that was the Silver Star prize award winner. For this argument to be valid, it must follow that the jury’s evaluation suggests the video is great art. The jury praised the emotional force and complexity of the video, so it must be these features, according to the argument, that constitute great art. Therefore the answer is A. B is not an assumption as the final sentence of the passage states ‘If they are right…’ when referring to the jury. C is contradicted by the final sentence of the passage, which suggests that the video must in fact be great art if the jury is correct, so the great art must be possible to identify. D is not an assumption as the jury’s evaluation states that the video was ‘simple’. Painting and sculpture are given as examples as forms of creative art but the passage does not indicate that these are the ‘highest forms’ of art, therefore E is not the answer.

    Post Comment

    One of the most catastrophic scenarios that could hit this planet would be a world without fish. Surely this is a matter for the UN to act on – and Areas of ocean should be set aside as no- go zones for trawlers of any nationality, to enable our dwindling fish stocks to have somewhere to reproduce with impunity. We are told that farmed fish is just as good, but this is futile if the wild fish that are fed to the farmed fish disappear. This crisis should be moved right to the top of the global agenda.

    40. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    The arguments suggests that the world could be without fish, if the wild fish fed to the farmed fish disappear. This implies that absence of wild fish was cause an absence in farmed fish, which would overall result in no fish remaining. Therefore D is the assumption, as for the argument to be valid the farmed fish must be entirely dependent on the wild fish for food.

    Post Comment

    When Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Governor of California, he looked for ways to make savings in an effort to balance the California budget. He was particularly concerned about the high cost of school text books, which he considered to be outdated. Schwarzenegger, who portrayed a time-travelling robot killer in the Terminator films in which a computer network takes over the world, looked to information technology to solve the problem of the high cost of text He proposed that as an alternative to books, students could be given hand-held devices that store up-to-date books electronically and allow them access to online work for maths and science. Since students are experienced with computers and will readily accept the new technology, this is not just Hollywood sci-fi but common sense.

    4. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that students should be given hand-held devices instead of books to solve the problem of high cost text books. For this argument to be valid, the cost of getting hand-held devices should be less than the cost of getting textbooks. Therefore B is an assumption.

    Post Comment

    Recent news stories have mistakenly implied that animals can understand mathematics better than Participants in a study were asked to state a choice of one of three doors, behind one of which there was a prize. Then the researcher opened one of the other two doors, revealing that there was no prize behind it. Asked if they would like to change their choice, most chose not to change. Switching to the remaining closed door would have increased their chance of winning. Even after playing the game many times, which allowed them to observe that they would win more often if they switched, most did not do so. When pigeons played a similar game, after a few attempts they switched every time. So the pigeons learnt from experience, whereas the people overanalysed and became confused.

    5. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    The first sentence of the passage states that news stories have made a mistake implying that animals can understand maths better than humans. It then describes the study in which pigeons learnt from their experience, but humans did not. For the study to support the argument, learning from experience must not be a mathematical process, otherwise the results of the study would contradict the first sentence of the passage.

    Post Comment

    A palaeontologist has argued that rex could not have been a predator. He says this because few predators have small eyes (needed to see prey) small arms (needed to hold prey), and huge legs (meaning slow speed), all of which are true of T.rex and that there is no evidence for predation such as bones with T.rex teeth embedded in them. Instead, he argues, it must have been a scavenger as its skull shows it had a good sense of smell and its legs were suited for walking long distances. Other scientists disagree, pointing out that many predators do not use forelimbs in hunting and that the speed of any dinosaur is very hard to assess.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the palaeontologist’s argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the T.rex couldn’t have been a predator and therefore must have been a scavenger. For this argument to be valid, it must be assumed that both could not possible simultaneously and hence C must be the assumption.

    Post Comment

    When preparing for examinations, it is important that students do not suppress any emotional or other problems they might be having during their course of study. A good way of revealing problems is the creation of a partnership and a discussion between students, parents and This is far preferable to the problems only becoming apparent with the arrival of the results causing upset and disappointment for all concerned. Therefore, if schools and colleges create as many opportunities as possible for three-way meetings between students, parents and teachers, they will make a valuable contribution to their students’ achievements in examinations.

    29. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that if there are more opportunities for meetings between parents, students and teachers, students will be able to express any problems they are having and this will lead to better achievement in exams. For this to be valid, the meetings must help students to both express and resolve these problems, when in actual fact they may be not result in a positive outcome due to opposing opinions, etc. Therefore B is the assumption.

    Post Comment

    Concern has been expressed about the UK Government policy of expanding the number of university places available. It is argued that the economy does not need the number of graduates that this policy produces. However, graduate unemployment has actually decreased since the policy of expansion was implemented. This shows that the Government has wisely anticipated the employment demands of an expanding modern ‘high-tech’ economy and that the policy of increasing the supply of university places is an appropriate response.

    40. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the government’s decision to increase the number of university places is justifiable because it meets the modern employment demands, using the fact that graduate unemployment has decreased since this policy has been implemented as evidence. However, for this argument to be valid one must assume that graduates have entered new jobs created by this increased employment demand, rather than taking jobs from others. This assumption is highlighted by answer C.

    Post Comment

    In the 1920s and 1930s there were successes for extremist parties in elections across Europe. Several of these parties formed governments and were directly involved in starting the Second World War. In recent elections extremist parties were particularly successful at the expense of the more traditional parties. It is possible that this dangerous situation will get worse. Our schools must teach children about the link between extremist politics and war in order to reduce the likelihood of future wars.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The overall argument is that ‘schools must teach children about the link between extremist politics and war in order to reduce the likelihood of future wars’. This implies that teaching children this will reduce the success of extremist parties, whose success could lead to wars. Therefore the answer is C.

    Post Comment

    School science lessons were once the place of bangs, flashes, smells, blood and droplets of mercury on the bench. Few, if any, people ever died from these experiences. Now, the activities that once made science fun are rare – banned on health and safety grounds. It has been reported that governments are concerned about the decreasing percentage of students enrolling on science courses at universities. If they do wish to reverse this trend, they need to take steps to curtail the pervasive ‘health and safety’ culture in which we now live.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that if the government wants to increase the percentage of students enrolling on university science courses, they need to reduce health and safety restrictions to make science fun at school. Here, the assumption is that making science lessons more fun will cause a higher take-up of science courses at university, which is given by answer B. Answer A is incorrect because the argument does not suggest that reducing health and safety restrictions is safe nor the morally right action to take, only that it is necessary in order to increase the uptake of science courses at university. Answer C is incorrect because the argument does not rely on the practicals being minimally dangerous. Answer D is incorrect because if there was a case in which health and safety had a positive impact on education, it would not affect the argument that reducing them will lead to greater uptake of uni science courses. By saying that the ‘activities that once made science fun’ have been banned on health and safety grounds implies that they are dangerous, but if non-dangerous science was proven to be fun, the overall argument would still be upheld.

    Post Comment

    Thankfully, logicians did not devise the British Constitution. It has evolved through the work of ordinary people, who have adapted the Government of the country to meet the needs of their age. They have always preserved sufficient flexibility to permit such adaptation. And we have avoided a lot of problems because we have never been guided in anything we have done by logic. If you study the period of history from the Civil War, in the middle of the 17th century, to the accession of George I in 1714, you will see the benefits of not making the Constitution too rigid by writing it down. It proves how much there is to be said for ignoring logic and following common sense.

    29. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    The fourth sentence of the passage suggest that refraining from using logic has allowed us to avoid many problems. This implies that if we were to have used logic, then we would have come across problems, and also that when we use common sense would not come across problems. For this to be true, both logic and common sense cannot be followed simultaneously because they would give two different results. This assumption is stated by answer D.

    Post Comment

    Car owners must have insurance in case they have an accident. Similarly, home owners have insurance in case anyone on their property is injured and claims compensation. However, insurance is not required for dog owners. Any injury caused by a dog is compensated by taking the owner to court, which is not easy. A law must be passed to make insurance compulsory for every dog owner. Any injuries would be paid for by the insurance companies, not long-suffering taxpayers.

    40. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The overall argument is that ‘A law must be passed to make insurance compulsory for every dog owner’ so that tax-payers would not have to pay for injuries caused by dogs, but instead by insurance companies. The argument is suggesting that making this law would prevent tax-payers paying for injuries caused by dogs. But this would only be true if dog-owners actually obey the law and get insurance for their dog. If dog-owners did not obey this law, insurance companies would not pay for the damage caused by dogs and perhaps the tax-payer would instead. Hence without assuming C, the argument would fall apart.

    Post Comment

    There is a lot more to interpreting and recognising faces than you might think. Forgetting people we used to know is not that uncommon, and is something we are in fact all guilty of. But next time you’re standing in the supermarket having a conversation with someone you don’t recognise but act like you remember them, take heed that the likelihood is that they will know you are lying. Lying is a lot harder than most people realise, and hiding the fact we are lying is harder still. This is because we all make brief, involuntary facial expressions when we try to conceal or repress something, such as trying to remember someone. These have been termed micro-expressions. So when someone you don’t recognise starts talking to you, you should just confess straight away because your micro-expressions will probably give you away anyway.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that lying is difficult because we ‘make brief, involuntary facial expressions’ ‘termed micro expressions’ when lying. This implies that the micro-expressions can be picked up by another person. If B was not an assumed, the micro-expressions shown on someone’s face when lying would not make it harder to lie, because they would not be detected by other people. Therefore B is the assumption without which the argument falls apart.

    Post Comment

    The funding situation for educational provision in UK prisons is a national disgrace. Prisons provide free room and board, and inmates are frequently given access to the internet, cable TV, and gym facilities. At the same time, lengthy waiting lists exist for prison literacy classes, and ever increasing budget cuts put pressure on prison library resources. Meanwhile, it is estimated that at least half of UK prisoners possess a reading age of eleven or less. If society wants to reduce the chances of prisoners reoffending upon their release, we must give them the opportunity to develop the literacy skills they need to build a successful life outside prison.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    Answer A may be implied by the frequent ‘access to the internet, cable TV, and gym facilities’ prison provides and is therefore not an assumption. The final sentence suggests that education is an ‘opportunity’ rather than a ‘right’, eliminating C. The third sentence suggests D, so it cannot be an assumption. E is implied by the final sentence, which hence is also not an assumption. This leaves B, which must be assumed in order to support the conclusion that prisons should be educated, rather than be given the items listed in the second sentence of the passage.

    Post Comment

    The number one reason for people changing their jobs is to escape from ‘difficult people’, followed by seeking higher pay and promotion. In particular, many people cite a poor relationship with their boss as a reason for leaving. Typically, they’ll go to another job and find another difficult boss and the process continues. One of the areas that contributes to altercations with other people is the issue of unmet expectations. We easily see ourselves as being let down by the difficult person who fails to do what we expect them to. Very often these expectations are entirely in our own heads. We put the responsibility for knowing our expectations onto the difficult person and then blame them when they disappoint us. If only people worked towards having honest conversations with difficult people, staff turnover might decrease.

    29. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 2


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument states: ‘If only people worked towards having honest conversations with difficult people…’, in which case we must assume that these ‘honest conversations’ are not taking place at the ,moment. This is highlighted in answer C.

    Post Comment

    Political legitimacy, the moral right to use state power, can only be derived from the consent of the governed. So, in democracies that uphold this principle, regular elections are held to ensure that political power is legitimate. Therefore, in these cases, the more voters participate in elections, the more legitimate the democratic political system is.

    40. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that the more voters that participate in elections, the more legitimate (justified) the democratic political system is, because political legitimacy can only be derived from the consent of the governed. Therefore it is being indicated that the people who are being ‘governed’ that are voting in elections are doing so because they agree with the democratic political system. For this argument to be valid, we must assume that voting at elections implies consent to the political system as a whole, which is answer B. The remaining answer options are not assumptions, because if they were taken to be false the argument given in the passage would still hold.

    Post Comment

    Over the years, many owners of businesses have appointed their sons to run the business when they retired or died. But this has been unfair to other workers in the company, some of whom were probably more talented and experienced than the boss’s son. It is highly unlikely that the son of the previous boss should happen to be the best candidate to take his place. The practice of favouring your own family when making senior appointments in industry and commerce should therefore be made illegal.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    This question is a little ambiguous, best approached by elimination. Looking at option A, if this was an assumption it would make the argument less viable, option C is there to confuse, but if you read carefully, whether that is true or not doesn’t underly the fundamental argument. Option D doesn’t reflect talent as well as experience, and option E also undermines the argument. Only option B fits, as the paragraph is arguing it is the the fact that favouring family *doesn’t* produce the best candidate that means this practice should be illegal, which itself assumes that the *best* candidate should be the head.

    Post Comment

    Several cities around the world have introduced congestion charging schemes. Drivers are expected to pay a fee in order to drive inside the charging zone. In recent years, some schemes have offered discounts or entirely waived the charge for vehicles that cause less pollution. This is, however, an illogical and unfair policy that should not continue. Congestion is unaffected by emissions, and those cars that have low emissions still contribute to congestion. Those who cannot afford to buy a low-emission car are still expected to pay the charge even if the roads they drive on remain congested.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The text refers to the relationship between a congestion charge and their car’s emissions and concludes that this is an unfair relationship to base congestion charges on, particularly on those who don’t drive a low-emission car. This would indicate there is a problem with using emission rates as a basis for congestion charge and thus the assumption we choose should explain why this is the case. Option A satisfies this argument by claiming the purpose of the congestion charge is to reduce congestion itself and therefore emissions are irrelevant in this argument. Remember to apply to negative test to confirm this answer, if the purpose of the congestion charge was something other than to reduce congestion (for option A), then the argument given has no basis, this way you can be sure that option A is the correct answer.

    Post Comment

    A daily dose of chocolate could be the key to preventing Alzheimer’s disease, according to recent research. Blood flow to the brain was boosted and memory improved among volunteers who drank two cups of hot chocolate a day over a thirty day period. They were tested for memory and thinking skills, and ultrasound measured the blood flow to the brain. Participants showed an average 8.3% improvement in blood flow and memory scores improved, with recall times falling from 167 to 116 seconds on average. The study suggests that drinking hot chocolate regularly could help keep the brain healthy.

    29. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The paragraph states that a daily dose of chocolate could be the key to preventing Alzheimer’s Disease, but the argument is built from data relating to memory, blood flow and thinking skills. Thus the inherent assumption is that by improving memory, blood flow and thinking skills (ie general brain function), Alzheimer’s could be prevented.

    Post Comment

    Government advice on alcohol drinking limits is based on studies carried out twenty-five years ago. It has often been expressed in terms of a maximum number of units per day. But advising people about a daily rate implies that drinking alcohol every day is acceptable, when up-to-date research suggests that the body needs more ‘recovery time’ than one day. Health promotion advice should avoid being so simple that it inadvertently encourages unhealthy behaviour. Better to have more complex messages than simple messages which promote unhealthy behaviour.

    40. Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    Simple advertising send the wrong messages so complex advertising should be used for the right message. A – The research is only one piece of evidence and is not an assumption. B – It is not talking talking about it being a common practice but rather regulatory. C – Its not about the frequency of people following these messages. D – The government already revises these guidelines this isn’t the issue. E – the extract is advocating for complex messaging assuming people understand it so this is the correct option.

    Post Comment

    There is an urgent need to improve the recruitment procedures for teaching positions at universities. There have been numerous cases in which academics have failed to hire outstanding young researchers and talented lecturers. For example, a research fellow from Germany complained that his applications for lecturing jobs were rejected despite his impressive research and publication record. Another scholar from Spain, who had received the Excellence in Teaching Award, also failed to get a job. A number of similar complaints have forced the Department of Education to introduce a policy which requires universities to staff the relevant selection committees with representatives from independent human resources consultancies. This measure will improve recruitment procedures.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    This question is saying “Adults ALWAYS remember the great teachers, who taught them valuable life experiences an the new exam-based system doesn’t help that.” A – It doesn’t discuss “merely” passing exams neither does it discuss “education” for life. B – This is the correct answer as From the moment you see extreme language like “always” being used, you almost certainly know that is where the flaw will be. Its rare for something to ALWAYS be true. C – The question doesn’t discuss the ambition of children, this is irrelevant. D – The extract doesn’t mention many positives for exam-based systems; this is contradictory. E – The question doesn’t talk about “satisfaction”, it is about “value”; this is irrelevant.

    Post Comment
    Leonardo Medicmind Tutor

    Sun, 27 Aug 2023 20:33:40

    Explanation of the wrong question

    Mobile phone use and driving under the influence of alcohol are not the only examples of irresponsible driver behaviour. Tiredness when driving a vehicle is said to be responsible for 300 deaths per year. Astonishingly, almost half of male drivers and 22% of female drivers admit to having fallen asleep at the wheel. If we assume (and it seems reasonable to do so) that even more people are injured than killed as a result of accidents caused by tiredness, it is clear that tiredness while driving is a major road safety issue – and entirely preventable. If we wish to preserve our own lives and those of others we should not drive a car knowing that we have had insufficient sleep or rest to drive safely.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    This paragraph is talking about how dangerous it is to drive when tired – it presents with great evidence for that. However, they state that accidents caused by tiredness are “entirely preventable”, which is a big claim to make as it rests on the assumption that drivers can recognise when they are too tired to drive which is not necessarily true. The correct answer is therefore B.

    Post Comment

    In a survey done by a school librarian during one year, borrowing of books in the library declined by 20%. Amongst books borrowed, rates of late return or loss of books also increased by 10%. On the other hand, student use of computers in the library increased by 25%. This finding was reinforced by frequent complaints from students that there were no computers available when they needed to use them. The librarian concluded that the best response to these findings was to cut the number of books and purchase more computers. 20% of books were sold off or given away, the space given over to additional computer tables, and the library’s entire available budget given over to purchasing new computers.

    29. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the librarian’s reasoning?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    If A is correct the police don’t benefit form the re-education scheme, that’s the main idea, so A is correct. B – Effectiveness of re-education not questioned, its expense is in question. C – This supports the argument. D – Driving offences relates to main idea but not the main idea, main idea is re-education courses financial implications. E – The main argument is not about the options available instead of losing license, although that is mentioned the main idea is centred around the finances of re-education courses.

    Post Comment
    student Medicmind Tutor

    Sun, 30 Oct 2022 18:51:26

    not even answering the right question...

    Children spend far too long in schools analysing poems when they should simply be learning to enjoy them. Thankfully, a new approach requires that, instead of focusing on analysing technical aspects of writing such as the writer’s use of imagery or alliteration, children will be required simply to learn poems so that they can recite them by heart. This makes good sense. What is the use of learning how to analyse literature if you have no appreciation of its actual value? If they then become interested in it enough to study it at A level or at university, that can be when they learn to analyse in detail the author’s craft.

    40. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The question here is basically saying: “Analysis of poems doesn’t let children appreciate poems. Children should memorise poems to enjoy and appreciate them. If interested they can then learn the literature”. A – the extract says children spend far too long on analysis and it makes them lack appreciation of the poem’s value (Invalid). B -The extract doesn’t mention memorising poems in the past or future, it just says a “new approach”; we don’t know if it has already been implemented and we don’t care since the extract only focuses on the current analysis scheme vs. the memorising being implemented (Invalid). C- “English” as a subject is not mentioned (Invalid). D – Alliteration and imagery are being analysed currently but it doesn’t say they are essential for a poem (invalid). E – Valid as it mimics what the extract is saying (valid).

    Post Comment

    Adults thinking back on their experience of school almost always remember with most gratitude the teachers who taught them more than just a subject, and prepared them for life, not just for an exam. But the current generation of students may not have the same experiences to look
    back on in future years because the role of teachers has changed. The focus for both students and teachers is now mainly on exam results, and that is how their success or failure is measured. For teachers to share their lives with their students, offering them a model of adulthood to which to aspire, is therefore no longer considered desirable. So children today receive a less valuable education than their parents and grandparents did.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The arguement in the text speaks about how previously education was more than just passing exams, it also prepared students for life, which is implied as previously being desirable, but no longer as we are now more focused on passing exams. The final line about how now education is less valuable goes to show how the articles assumption is based around this. Looking at the answer options, B, while may be true doesn’t link the text with its conclusion, C, while may be true is not addressed in the text at all. E doesn’t fit with the theme or the text, as although mentioned, it doesn’t folow the same vision of the text, While D, could be thought to be the correct answer, it doesn’t fit with the conclusion of the text, therefore it can not be the underlying assumption. This leaves answer A as the only viable option.

    Post Comment

    The government is planning an increase in fuel tax later this year as part of its strategy to meet carbon emissions targets. Yet motorists and road transport companies have suffered crippling price rises of up to 30% in petrol and diesel bills in the past year because of fuel taxes. The
    government has enjoyed a £505 million windfall from high oil prices in the last six months alone, with extra revenue coming from North Sea oil reserves. A further increase in fuel tax will impact on all UK households because it will eventually push up the price of shop goods and inflation. So the government must abandon its planned tax increase.

    16. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above passage?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    To tackle assumption questions, you must first find the conclusion of the text, which in this case is the final line that the government must abandon its planned tax increase on fuel later this year. The assumption then links the points in the text to this conclusion. Looking at the answer options, B is too simplistic to be the underlying assumtion, C is unknown, as while plausible as the assumption is not made clear in the text. D is not addressed or spoken about so is unlikely to be the assumtion, and E, is more of a suggestion that assumption underpinning the passage. This leave A as the only plausible option, which fits perfectly from the points raised in the text with the conclusion.

    Post Comment

    Drivers found to be committing offences such as speeding are now offered the choice between paying the police for a re-education course or taking the traditional penalty of paying a fine and receiving penalty points on their licence. It is no surprise that the number of motorists opting for re-education courses has tripled in five years, but the high cost of such courses has led to accusations that police forces might use the new system for their own benefit. They could easily set up speed traps, catch a number of motorists slightly over the limit, and generate easy income for themselves. Re-education courses are a good idea in theory, but open to abuse by cash-starved police forces.

    29. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The main conclusion of this passage is that re-education courses, while popular, aren’t necessarily good as they could be abused to generate revenue by cash-starved police forces. Looking at the possible assumtions, B, while is plausible, isn’t really spoken about much in the text and doesn’t link the text and conclusion. C, while could be inferred by the text, again doesn’t link the text fully with the conclusion. D is untrue based on the text, and E while is most likely true, does not underpin the conclusion from the text. This leave option A, which links the text and the conclusion together, demonstrating how this is the correct answer as to the assumption underlying this argument.

    Post Comment

    Long hours and poor pay have become commonly accepted, but they are taking a heavy toll on life at home. It is not a pretty picture: an economy where high levels of stress and anxiety are normal, where people get ill because they have lost control of their time, and where marriages are damaged and children suffer. Yet it is a situation that politicians invite us to applaud. They praise ‘strivers’ and ‘hard-working people’, not chilled-out, caring mums and dads. The longer and harder we work, the more admirable we are supposed to be. So the political slogans have clearly been effective, but the resulting glorification of work has made us miserable.

    40. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The conclusion of this argument is that political slogans are effective and leaving people miserable due to glorifying high stress and long hour jobs. Looking at the answer options, A is not addressed in the passage, as it is not mentioned if employees are satisfied or not with their salary. C again is not mentioned, although could be implied, it is not an assumption made in this argument. D, is not addressed in this passage, and E is implied but this passage is talking about more than just parenting abilities and about stress, marriage and other aspects of life. This leaves answer option B as the only possible option, which links both the passage and conclusion together, highlighting that this is the underlying assumption.

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