Speed as well as accuracy is important in this section. Work quickly, or you might not finish the paper. There are no penalties for incorrect responses, only marks for correct answers, so you should attempt all questions. Each question is worth one mark.

Calculators are NOT permitted.

Here you will find all TSA Weakening questions that have been written 2008-2019.

Some of the great sea-mammals, such as the sperm whale, have brains many times larger than ours. It is a fact of evolution that organs do not grow or remain large unless they are used; if they are not used they shrink or even disappear. It must be concluded therefore that the sperm whale makes intelligent use of the vast brain it possesses, perhaps at thought levels well beyond our understanding.

9. Which of the following would, if true, weaken the argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    Evolution is discussed – organs do not develop to be large unless they are used

    Because of this the passage describes how whale brains are much larger than humans thus sperm wales have greater intelligence than us

    A and B are irrelevant – Language does not equal intelligence, another thing to consider is that if intelligence is possible without large brains that doesn’t mean that large brains don’t give intelligence

    D and E strengthen the argument – D is saying that large brains are not related to the size of sperm whales by saying large brains are not related to large size of whales which means they could be used for intelligence

    E reinforces that their intelligence could be something we cannot understand

    C is correct answer – if brains may be used for something else then their size doesn’t have to mean they are used for intelligence thus weakening this argument

    Post Comment

    Birds of the tit family are very fond of tearing paper – wallpaper, newspaper, notices and bank notes included. They make no use of the paper they have torn. We might explain this puzzling behaviour by noting that the technique that they use for tearing paper is identical to their technique for stripping tree bark to search for insects to eat. This indicates that tits that tear paper are searching for food.

    17. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is A.

    Passage conclusion is tits that tear paper are searching for food, this is based off the argument that they use a similar method to tear paper as they do to strip tree bark and search for food

    A – Tits are choosing to tear paper instead of taking food which is readily visible and available which weakens the conclusion that tearing paper is a search for food

    B – humans know but that does not mean that tits know that no food is forthcoming

    C – If families feed them it doesn’t mean that birds will not look for more food

    D – Irrelevant to the conclusion

    E – We do not know if these activities are pointless or serve a purpose

    Post Comment

    Catalytic convertors are increasingly being fitted to cars as a means of reducing some of the harmful emissions from car But, though they eliminate one form of pollution, their action serves only to create another one. Ground-level ozone is kept at very low levels in the cities by some of the pollutants catalysts remove. So the more catalytic convertors that are fitted, the more such ozone can build up. Since ozone is a major cause of choking summer smogs, we can assume that people with breathing difficulties, such as asthmatics, will be much worse off the more that catalytic convertors are used. We should stop fitting cars with catalytic convertors.

    33. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    Passage argues catalytic converters made to combat one type of pollution and created another. It says that by removing some pollutants it preserves the ground-level ozone. It says that the ozone is a major cause of choking smogs – people with breathing conditions will be worse off due to these converters

    A B D E all irrelevant since they do not affect whether increasing number of catalytic converters in cars will increase breathing difficulties

    Post Comment

    Electrical goods retailers often offer ‘extended warranties’ which guarantee free repairs if the product breaks down during the term of the warranty. Salespeople are keen to persuade customers to buy these warranties because they gain substantial commission from them. Customers may also be tempted to buy them, since they ensure that the purchaser will not be faced with huge repair However, surveys by consumer protection agencies show that the average cost of repairs per customer is less than the average cost of a warranty. Anybody buying electrical goods would, therefore, be well-advised not to buy an extended warranty, as it represents poor value for money.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    Passage describes how extended warranties for electrical goods are bad value for money since the average repair cost per customer is less than price of the warranty. So, it concludes customers are better off not buying extended warranties

    A C D E all strengthen this conclusion by reinforcing the notion that warranties are bad value for money

    B is only one that weakens conclusion – average cost of repairs if a repair is needed is greater than the cost of warranty at times

    Post Comment

    Zoos are entirely unsuitable places for animals. People visit zoos to learn about animal behaviour but the animals they see are likely to be behaving in abnormal and neurotic ways because of the cramped and unnatural conditions in which they are kept. Zoos should be closed down and the money saved should be reallocated to the protection of natural habitats.

    9. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is E.

    Passage talks about how Zoos do not show animals with normal behaviour so it’s favourable to ditch them and fund to protect natural habitats.

    E – Money already spent on Zoos boosts populations of animals in natural habitats through re-introduction of animals bred in captivity. This weakens argument as there they shouldn’t be abandoned if they benefit the natural habitats

    D is irrelevant whilst A strengthens the argument by reinforcing animals in cramped conditions become anxious

    Post Comment
    G Medicmind Tutor

    Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:03:48

    Doesn't explain why C is wrong

    “I tried a speed reading course and read ‘War and Peace’ in three hours. It’s about ” Woody Allen’s joke strikes a chord with many who doubt the effectiveness of speed reading techniques. These techniques usually involve moving your finger smoothly and quickly along lines of text and training your eyes to follow, so preventing your eyes going back over words you have already read, which is what we normally do. There have been reports of readers achieving incredible speeds using these techniques, but such achievements are of limited benefit to many readers, particularly students, who have to gain a deep understanding of what they read.


    17. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    Passage talks about speed-reading it says that it has limited use for students as it doesn’t allow deep understanding of texts.

    C – contradicts this so weakens the argument as it says it leads to deeper understanding

    A and D both reinforce the idea that it doesn’t lead to deeper understanding so strengthens argument

    B and E are irrelevant as they do not refer to how speed-reading can affect understanding

    Post Comment

    In cricket, the world’s fastest bowlers bowl at speeds of over ninety miles per hour. When the bowler releases the ball he is less than twenty metres away from the batsman, which means that the batsman has less than half a second to react to the ball and select his According to scientists this is impossible, as there is simply not enough time for the necessary thought processes and muscle responses to occur. And yet this is exactly what happens. This just shows how science can all too easily fail to explain things due to its own limitations.

    33. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that science can fail to explain things due to its own limits. The support given for this in the passage is that scientists say that less than half second is not enough time for the necessary thought processes and muscle responses to occur for a batsman to react to an incoming ball, but it happens despite this. A weakens the argument by giving an alternative scientific explanation for the speed of the batsman’s reaction the ball, contradicting what the argument has stated about science being unable to explain things. B does not affect the argument, C may actually strengthen the argument by giving another example that science may not be able to explain, D has no effect on the argument because it does not confirm nor contradict the fact that their are limits to scientific explanations, E does not weaken the argument because it does not exclude the fact that there are some cases in which batsman may react faster than can be explained by science.

    Post Comment

    Undoubtedly, early upbringing affects your social adjustment in later life. A recent study demonstrated that many children of parents who act aggressively towards their offspring grow up to be violent as Consequently, if we could stop parents behaving aggressively towards their children, we would be able to eliminate a significant proportion of violence from our society.

    41. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    Discusses whose parents act aggressively towards them as children, those children grow up to be violent and concludes if we stop this, we could eliminate a lot violence from society

    A – incorrect as passage is talking about if stopping aggression to children would stop violence not making it difficult or impossible

    B – does not weaken the argument as it has no reference to effects of aggression to children

    D weakens the argument as it states there are other factors involved too

    Post Comment

    A two-month study of major producers of ivory products showed that worldwide demand for elephant tusks for ivory had fallen sharply. Consequently it is safe to assume that there will be a general decline in elephant poaching.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    Post Comment

    The expense of advertising adds greatly to overall production costs and thus to the prices of goods when they reach the public. There is particular public resentment of mass advertising for rival brands of products such as petrol or detergents – which, most people suspect, are so similar in character as to be virtually indistinguishable except in their packaging. Much of the huge sum devoted to advertising could be used more fruitfully to bring down prices. Therefore, advertising disadvantages the consumer.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that advertising disadvantages the consumer because the cost of advertising increases production costs and hence the prices of the goods the consumers are purchasing. A does not really weaken the argument as it states what manufacturers may ‘believe’ rather than an actual fact. C gives neither an advantage nor disadvantage of advertising therefore has little impact on the argument as it does not directly oppose or support it. D does give an advantage of advertising, but does not contradict the statement that advertising disadvantages the consumer, so is unlikely to weaken the argument the most. E actually may strengthen the argument by giving another disadvantage of advertising. B most weakens the argument because the improvement in the quality of goods is a benefit for the consumer, therefore B is directly opposing the argument that advertising disadvantages the consumer.

    Post Comment

    The Eurovision Song Contest is coming in for increasing criticism. No matter how awful the song, Greece can always be relied on to give a maximum 12 points to Cyprus and Russia will vote for the Ukraine. In one year the political voting was so blatant that the commentator for the UK described it as ‘ridiculous’. With more Eastern European countries competing, their power blocs are so strong that Western European countries have little hope of winning. The result of the Eurovision Song Contest is now determined by geo-politics and not by music.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the result of the Eurovision Song Contest is now determined by geo-politics and not by music, and uses the ‘blatant’ political voting seen as support for this. A may actually strengthen the argument as it gives an example of political voting. B has little relevance to the argument. D does not affect the argument because it refers to the past whereas the passage states that it ‘is now determined by geo-politics’ and so it is now that Western European countries have little hope of winning. E has little effect on the argument because it only refers to one Eastern European country and also refers to the past rather than the present. Therefore C is the answer, and weakens the argument by giving an alternative explanation for Eastern European countries voting for each other: because they like each other’s music rather than due to political reasons.

    Post Comment

    When you install a burglar alarm in your home, you do so presumably because the cost of the alarm is less than the expected benefits. The cost of a burglary, if one occurs, is likely to be much higher than the cost of fitting an alarm. A clearly visible box on an outside wall of an alarmed house alerts and discourages potential thieves. Because your house is less likely to be burgled, your neighbour’s house may be more vulnerable. Therefore, while there may be little impact on overall crime levels, expensive security devices reduce crimes against those with the devices but increase crimes against those without.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that security devices reduce crime against those who have them, whilst increasing crime against those without them. C weakens the argument by implying that burglars are more likely to steal from houses with alarms than those without, because having an alarm suggests the house has valuable items in it, worthy of stealing. A strengthens the argument by suggesting that a larger proportion of houses without alarms are burgled compared to those with alarms. B also strengthens the argument, by showing that intruder alarms seemed to have deterred house burglars. D and E are irrelevant, as they do not allude to the likehood of houses with security devices being burgled compared to those without these devices.

    Post Comment

    The preservation of First Class sections on trains is indefensible. This is not because it is socially divisive, which it is; nor because it is very expensive, which it also is; but because it inevitably leads to a relatively poorer service in Standard Class sections of trains. Clearly, in order to attract First Class passengers it is necessary to maintain certain levels of discomfort in those compartments which cater to the great majority of travellers. There is, for example, a powerful disincentive to make more space generally available on trains, as one of the main inducements to travel First Class is to escape overcrowding and be assured of a seat. Yet, additional space would add significantly to the safety and comfort of most passengers.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that there is no reason to argue to keep first class sections on trains. Answer B most weakens the argument by giving a valid reason for keeping first class seats, as the revenue they generate helps the whole rail service. A does not weaken the argument because just because people are using first class sections, doesn’t mean it would be better to keep them than not. The amount of space they take up is irrelevant, as the argument is that their existence is indefensible, hence eliminate C. Similarly, D is irrelevant. E may weaken the argument by giving a reason for keeping the first class sections, but B weakens the argument to a greater extent because it gives a benefit of the whole rail service.

    Post Comment

    In some countries hunting clubs can arrange for members to hunt and kill just about anything that moves around on land. Despite the high costs of these hunts the clubs have grown in popularity as rich businessmen look for new ways to entertain their clients. Rare and endangered species of bears are often the target of the hunts and so there is a risk that these species will become extinct. The growth of these hunting clubs should be opposed.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the growth of hunting clubs should be opposed because the rare and endangered species of bears that these clubs target are at risk of becoming extinct. Answer C may weaken the argument by suggesting that these hunting clubs have not affected the number of bears, so opposing these clubs would not help prevent extinction of bear species because the hunting clubs are not decreasing the bear populations in the first place.

    Post Comment

    In European countries the incidence of cancer is higher than in non-European developing This difference in cancer rates cannot be due to a greater genetic susceptibility to cancer amongst Europeans, because statistics show that Europeans who migrate to developing countries decrease their chances of getting cancer and that those from developing countries who migrate to Europe increase their chances of getting cancer. Since there are major differences in diet between Europe and developing countries, it is reasonable to conclude that the higher cancer rates in Europe are due to certain cancer-causing foods.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that higher cancer rates in Europe (compared to in non-European developing countries) must be due to cancer-causing foods. The support given for this is that there is evidence for the higher cancer rates in Europe not being due to greater genetic susceptibility and that there are major differences in the diet between European and developing countries. A does not strengthen the argument because even if diet is not a major cause of cancer in developing countries, that does not exclude the idea that diet could be in European countries. B is irrelevant as the argument refers to the difference in cancer rates between European and non-European countries, not between different areas in Europe. D is also irrelevant because the argument focuses on diet causing cancer, not any other diseases. E may be thought to weaken the argument by suggesting that the lower rates of cancer in non-European countries may be due to an age difference (higher proportion of younger people in non-European countries due to the younger people who migrate their from European countries), however this has to be quite deeply inferred so it unlikely to weaken the argument the most. Answer C, on the other hand, clearly weakens the argument by introducing differences in stress levels as an alternative to diet for the difference in cancer rates.

    Post Comment

    Asthma has increased globally by about 160% in the last two decades. In the UK alone, 1318 people have died from asthma attacks within the last However new research has shown that asthma rates fall significantly in those parts of cities which have more trees and green spaces indicating that we can reduce asthma attacks by a programme of tree planting in our inner city waste lands.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that the rate of asthma attacks should be reduced by planting trees in inner city areas, because asthmas rates are lower in parts of cities with more trees. A and B give reasons against planting trees, but do not affect the support given for the argument so are unlikely to most weaken it. D may be true, but the passage refers to asthma rates, not absolute number of cases. E does not weaken the argument because there could be other factors affecting asthmas rates; the passage only states that more trees may lead to lower rates, not that less trees alone caused rates to increase. C most weakens the argument by giving an alternative explanation to the number of trees for the lower asthmas rates in the areas described.

    Post Comment

    Compare and contrast the initial responses of two ‘major world powers’ to the Haitian earthquake Within hours, the USA had sent in hospital and assault ships and an aircraft carrier with 19 helicopters, the 82nd Airborne division with 3,500 troops and hundreds of medical personnel. It put the country’s small airport back on an operational footing. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the European Union (EU) geared itself up with a Brussels press conference led by its High Representative. A small group of bored-looking journalists in the Commission’s lavishly appointed press room heard her stumbling through a prepared statement, in which she said that she had conveyed her ‘condolences’ to the UN Secretary-General, and pledged three million Euros in aid. The USA’s willingness to act proves that it is the only genuine superpower.

    39. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    The argument is that the USA is the only genuine superpower. The support given for this is the USA’s actions to the Hatian earthquake, which shows the USA’s willingness to act, compared to the less impressive response of the EU. Answer D is a weakness because it suggests that countries of the EU did in fact respond, like the USA did, so it challenges the argument that the USA is the only true superpower.

    Post Comment

    Action should be taken to prevent the use of children as low-cost labour in poor Asian countries in industries such as electronics, garment, shoe and toy Nothing short of a ban on child labour is acceptable. Child labour is an attractive proposition for employers: children have quick fingers, good eyesight and are often more productive than adults and do not have to be paid very much. And there’s a ready supply, thanks to the number of children dropping out of education because their parents cannot afford to educate them. If children have to work they are denied their childhood and education.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that child labour should be banned because it takes away children’s education and childhood. This suggests that if no child labour was enforced, then children would be educated. therefore C weakens the argument by giving a scenario in which, even with the ban of child labour, children would not be educated. A and E are just additional facts and neither weaken nor strengthen the argument. B supports the third sentence in the passage. D gives a possible reason why someone may argue for child labour, but does not directly conflict with any of the points the writer has made.

    Post Comment

    It is a strange fact that many people find violence entertaining as long as it’s fictional. Encountering a chainsaw-wielding maniac on television in one’s own home is obviously less traumatising than meeting one at the bus stop. But is it actually fun? The same is often true of reading crime novels. Take, for example, the popularity of the violent Swedish ‘Millennium Trilogy’, also now made into films. Psychologists call this enjoyment ‘the horror paradox’. However, today’s increase in violent – and frankly unpleasant – crime proves that, for a growing number of people, simply reading about or watching horror on screen is not enough ‘fun’: they need to go out to stalk and horribly kill a passer-by to get their kicks.

    33. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    Post Comment
    Dianne Kate Medicmind Tutor

    Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:27:32

    For future me, A is correct because of the last line, explaining that they need to GO OUT and stalk, so A weakens because most murders take place in homes amongst family. B is incorrect because it is irrelevant.

    The number of crimes carried out by girls has increased significantly. The rise in offences such as criminal damage, public disorder, robbery and minor assaults by girls under 18 are all seen as linked to a rise in alcohol So the greater availability of alcohol is contributing to rising crime levels among young girls.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that the greater availability of alcohol is contributing to rising crime levels among girls. The support given is the rise in offences carried out by girls under 18yrs and a similarly correlated rise in alcohol consumption. However, it could be that the number of crimes committed is not rising, but rather more are being recognised/detected, as highlighted by B. This gives an alternative explanation for the rise in number offences noted to be carried out by girls under 18 and therefore weakens the argument.

    Post Comment

    A study of shooting victims in Philadelphia has found that people who carry guns are far more likely to be shot than those who are unarmed. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania looked at 677 shootings over two and a half years, taking into account various factors such as the age and socioeconomic status of those involved. The researchers concluded that armed citizens were 4.5 times more likely to get shot and 4.2 times more likely to get killed than those who were unarmed. Therefore, it is significantly safer not to carry a gun in Philadelphia.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that ‘it is significantly safer not to carry a gun in Philadelphia’ because ‘armed citizens were… more likely to get shot and… more likely to get killed than those who were unarmed’. This implies that the act of carrying a gun increases a person’s risk of being shot themselves. However, if the people carrying guns are doing so to defend themselves because they are already at a higher risk of getting shot than normal, then the argument falls apart. Hence C is the answer.

    Post Comment

    Most city centres in the UK are now covered by sophisticated CCTV cameras which can record crimes being committed. Many towns and cities report a reduction in crime where cameras are installed: for example, Airdrie reported a 75% fall in crime and Kings Lynn reported a massive 90% reduction. Thus, they are a real success in controlling ‘opportunistic’ crime.

    33. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The overall argument is that CCTV cameras ‘are a real success in controlling ‘opportunistic’ crime’. The writer justifies the point of view by giving an example of crime reduction in locations where cameras were installed. Answer C weakens the argument because it suggests that the CCTV cameras may not have been responsible for this reduction, but rather other factors such as ‘extra police presence’ introduced at the same/a similar time as the CCTV cameras. Therefore the argument that CCTV cameras are a success in controlling (reducing) crime may not be valid.

    Post Comment

    The main reason private schools thrive in Britain is that they are extremely good at getting their students into elite universities. In the UK only 7% of students attend private schools but they account for 40% of students at Oxford and Cambridge. As entry to the top universities is dependent on examination results (particularly A-level results), private school students must be achieving higher grades than those in the state sector. Higher grades are the result of good teaching, so the teaching in private schools must be better than the teaching in state schools.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
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    The correct answer is D.

    The argument is that ‘ the teaching in private schools must be better than the teaching in state schools’ because private schools are achieving higher grades. The evidence used to support this argument is given in the second sentence of the passage, comparing the small proportion of children that attend private schools to the relatively large proportion of Oxbridge students that are from private schools. However, if ‘A higher proportion of private school candidates take A-levels than those from the state sector’ that means that the unproportionately large percentage of Oxbridge students from private schools may be due to the fact that not many state school students take A-levels relative to private school students, rather than being due to better teaching at private schools.

    Post Comment

    The health service urgently needs more blood donors to meet demands on its ‘blood bank’ for transfusions. Most of us ignore this need, but we are only too glad to receive the blood of other donors in emergencies. To boost the blood bank, transfusions should only be given to those who have indicated they are donors or agree to become donors. In this fairer system, receiving and giving within the blood service would become clear in everyone’s mind and the blood bank given all the donations it needs.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The main argument is given by the third sentence, ‘transfusions should only be given to those who have indicated they are donors or agree to become donors’. The passage does not indicate that only giving transfusions to agreed donors would not be able to meet demands for certain blood types, eliminating B. Answer C neither strengthens nor weakens the argument, as it does not indicate a flaw or a benefit to only allowing blood donors to be given transfusions. Answer D may actually strengthen the argument, by emphasising the first sentence of the passage. Answer E neither strengthens nor weakens the argument, because those who refused blood transfusions would not need to be donors if the argument was upheld. Therefore, the answer is A, because under the rules of the argument given, those uneligible to give blood would also be unable to receive blood, despite not having a choice whether or not to be a donor.

    Post Comment

    Some say that religion is crucial for providing us with a moral framework, for giving clear strong moral guidance. Without religion, some say, people might lose their sense of morality altogether. But those who argue this ought to consider the Ancient Greeks. The Greeks pondered obsessively the question of what makes a good life and how to live well. In fact the word ‘ethics’ comes from them. And although they had their own set of gods, those gods were hardly moral role models (Zeus himself was a serial adulterer). Moreover, there was nothing by way of an agreed religious text from which to obtain their moral rules. There was even an atheist movement in Ancient Greece. The Greeks alone are proof that if we are to lose our faith in God, this does not mean we must also lose our faith in morality.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The passage overall concludes the importance of morality and maintaining faith in it. Answer A may support the argument, as completing ‘heroic deeds’ may boost morality, eliminating A. Answer B can be excluded because the passage does not mention poetry nor drama. The passage does not suggest that stronger faith in God affects one’s faith in morality, so D must be incorrect. Nor does the text imply that E would reduce the importance of morality, excluding E. Hence, the answer must be C, which is supported by the second two sentences (which suggest that people who have lost there sense of morality should look to Ancient Greeks).

    Post Comment

    Some public institutions, such as the central bank and the constitutional court in many countries, are nominally independent but are actually captive to political interests. Their leading officials are appointed by the government and these appointments are always the result of political power games. Moreover, it is fundamentally undemocratic to delegate too much power to people who have not been popularly elected. Therefore, in order to ensure the real independence and the democratic nature of these institutions, the most prominent public officials should be elected in general elections.

    33. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    Answer A weakens the argument given in the final sentence of the passage because it suggest that electing ‘the most prominent public officials’ does not necessarily ‘ensure the real independence and the democratic nature of these institutions’.

    Post Comment

    In the UK, most people open a bank account in their teenage years. There is then a tendency not to change banks: eleven per cent of bank customers are still with the bank their parents set them up with when they were a child and haven’t changed it since. This strongly suggests that, contrary to what most commentators say, people are not unhappy with the service that their banks provide.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The conclusion of the paragraph is that most people are happy with their bank. Option A (if true) refutes this: if nearly 2/3 of customers have switched banks, this shows that *most* (ie over half) have, at least at some point, been unhappy with their bank.

    Post Comment

    Studies of fossilised remains indicate that, every 20 to 30 million years, life on Earth experiences a sudden and mass extinction of all or most of its dominant species. Yet, in each case, within some 5 to 10 million years the diversity of species on the planet is as great, if not greater, than it had been previously, since the demise of the dominant species allows more minority species to flourish. Whatever disasters we may wreak on the planet, life in the long term will not only survive but actually increase in richness and diversity.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    Life increases in richness and diversity in the long term after disasters. If this consequence is not known that weakens the argment. A is the correct option.

    Post Comment

    Shooting is not just positive for rural economies, but is also necessary for conservation efforts. In various peripheral rural places in Britain, sport shooting related jobs are a mainstay of local economies, often accounting for as much as a third of the labour market. However, since humans disturbed the ecosystem by eradicating the top predators, destroying habitats and introducing non-native species, we are also now responsible for reducing further damage – conserving – by continuous management. This means shooting overpopulated species to minimise the risks of disease and starvation, and dominant foreign species in order to conserve weaker native ones. Additionally, the management of the environment for the purposes of sport shooting can have very positive conservation effects; for example, many endangered birds of prey now thrive on shooting estates.

    9. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is stating that shooting is good for conservation. The best answer that could negate this is by stating that something else – reintroducing predators – is even better. That is done in statement E. Some answers have nothing to do with the actual argument (A, B, C), and answer D makes the statement even stronger, so the only way to weaken it is via E.

    Post Comment

    There has been a significant rise in the number of children with rickets. This has resulted from the airless, indoor world we have created for ourselves. Rickets is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, which is produced in response to sunlight on the skin. Where children used to play outside they mostly stay indoors immersed in virtual realities via various electronic media. Instead of long summer evenings outdoors, we close the curtains to prevent sunlight falling on our screens. The lure of technology is compounded by adult fears of the risks to children if they are left to roam free in the outside world; in any case there are fewer accessible public spaces for open air activity. Curing this will require an awful lot more than vitamin pills.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is B.


    Post Comment
    Angel Medicmind Tutor

    Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:42:37

    For further reference: since the passage talks about sunlight increasing the vitamin D intake option B disproves it by stating that vitamin D intake is higher in food. Therby, stating that the cause of rickets is not our indoor environment but rather our diet. Thus weakening the whole arguement

    Angel Medicmind Tutor

    Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:42:37

    For further reference: since the passage talks about sunlight increasing the vitamin D intake option B disproves it by stating that vitamin D intake is higher in food. Therby, stating that the cause of rickets is not our indoor environment but rather our diet. Thus weakening the whole arguement

    The financial circumstances of many young people make it difficult for them to forego paid employment for an extended period in order to undertake unpaid internships or work experience placements. In many industries, it is unlikely that a young person will gain entrylevel paid employment unless he or she has held one of these temporary unpaid positions. Therefore, the current system of unpaid internships creates an unfair advantage for individuals from more affluent backgrounds.

    41. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is C.

    In summary: “People from low socioeconomic backgrounds can’t afford to do unpaid work for a long time to gain experience so richer people gain an advantage.” A – its not about if unpaid experiences are good, its about if there affordable for an extended period (Invalid). B – where these experiences are based is irrelevant, even if it’s considers people who are less well off tend to live outside the city centre so they have to travel to access these experiences, if anything this statement supports the argument that these experiences are unaffordable (invalid). C – The argument mentions “extended periods” and this statement directly contradicts this argument and therefore weakens it (valid). D – This extract is about young people in poverty not being able to access unpaid jobs; this statement is referring to paid jobs (invalid). E – These schools could be private or public so we don’t know if its helping the poorer population (invalid).

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    While it is a woman, Ada Lovelace, who is often credited with originating the concept of software, today’s computer tech-related jobs are held mostly by men. The tech sector must continue to work against factors that inhibit gender equality within it. One such factor appears to be prejudice about women’s abilities to write computer programming code. A recent study of a program-sharing and development website analysed the rates by which suggested code changes were accepted by website users according to the gender of the user contributing the changes. In cases where the contributor’s gender was not made clear on the website, 72 per cent of the suggestions made by women were accepted. In cases where the contributor’s gender was revealed to be female, the acceptance rate fell to 63 per cent.

    10. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The arguement of the passage is based around how when the female gender is revealed, changes were accepted less, as this is the main point of the arguement, weakening this would weaken the whole arguement the most. Therefore, answer option E is the best sentence to include to undermine and weaken the arguement. The other answer options, while some do contribute to weakening the argument, would have little impact on the argument if included in the passage.

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    Despite the recent decline in numbers of people getting married, it appears that there is still much to recommend it. Married people are happier, wealthier and live longer. Husbands and wives have a lower risk of disease and a higher life expectancy. They smoke less, drink less and eat more healthily. Those who get married and stay married have on average double the amount of wealth of those who never marry. Surveys show that they are happier than single people and less likely to experience mid-life depression. Married couples benefit from stronger networks of support, with relatives providing more care and assistance in old age and in times of need. Finding and committing to a marriage partner is a goal well worth pursuing.

    17. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above reasoning?
  • 2


    The correct answer is E.

    The argument in the passage speaks around many of the advantages of being married. Of all that is mentioned, wealth and money is mentioned several times during the passage, making it the easiest arguement to undermine and have the largest impact on weakening the arguement. Looking at the answer options this shows how answer E is the correct answer. The only other viable answer option that does weaken the arguement is answer option D, however, it does not weaken the arguments made in the passage as much as answer option E

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    Dianne Kate Medicmind Tutor

    Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:41:44

    For my future self, D is wrong because it just stated relationship so it could be any, romantic or platonic

    anon Medicmind Tutor

    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 10:45:56

    why is it not B?

    A band of rebellious traders in Wales has decided to take their whole town ‘offshore’ in protest at the insignificant amounts of UK tax paid by big businesses. An alliance of shopkeepers from the town want to use the same controversial loopholes favoured by huge multinationals such
    as Google so that they too can legally avoid UK tax. The coffee giant Starbucks, for example, has been branded immoral for transferring revenues out of the UK and into the Netherlands and Switzerland, where they receive sweetened tax deals. But the shopkeepers of the town cannot have it both ways. If they believe it is immoral for Starbucks to avoid UK tax, it is immoral for them, too. They should continue to pay UK tax in full.

    33. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that shopkeepers are being hypocritical by trying to obtain the same immoral tax breaks, and therefore they should pay full tax. A, however, demonstrates that the shopkeepers are protesting to pressure the government to tackle tax avoidance (which would also then impact their taxes and they would no longer avoid UK tax), rather than to gain tax breaks themselves. Therefore they are not being immoral in the way the argument argues. B is incorrect as it is not releveant to the argument, C isn’t related to morality, D and E are also not related to the morality argument. The answer is A.

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