This section is Section 1 of 3.

Speed as well as accuracy is important in this section. Work quickly, or you might not finish the paper. There are no penalties for incorrect responses, only marks for correct answers, so you should attempt all 50 questions. Each question is worth one mark.

You must complete the answers within the time limit. Calculators are NOT permitted.

Good Luck!

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In the twenty-first century, many people aged over 65 are perfectly capable of working, and also are likely to live longer than individuals did in previous times. If people work after age 65, there is more chance that they will be financially self-sufficient when they do retire. Compulsory retirement ages have long been banned in the USA, and we should get rid of them in the UK also. This would be good for individuals and for the country. We should ignore those employers who complain that they would be unable to get rid of older and inefficient employees. After all, those who are really incompetent to do a job can be dismissed on the grounds of merit, rather than of age.

1. Which of the following expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    The passage explores arguments to abolish compulsory retirements ages, giving examples as to why it is beneficial to both the individual, and the country, as well as giving the example of the USA who banned this long ago. The argument also discredits employers arguments that older employees are inefficient, as if they are incompetent at their job, they can be dismissed on these grounds alone, not age. Looking at the answer options, while answer A is valid, it is not supported by the information in the passage. While options B, C, and E demonstrate points raised in the text, none of these are valid conclusions, as they are all supporting evidentiary factors to support answer option D, that the UK should abolish compulsory retirement ages.

    Post Comment

    A manufacturer wishes to make an open-topped box out of the piece of cardboard shown below by folding up its sides.

    2. What is the volume of this box in cubic centimetres?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    Folding up the sides takes 2 lots of 5cm off each side and gives the box a height of 5cm, making the dimensions in cm: 50-(5×2) by 50-(5×2) by 5 = 40 by 40 by 5. So the colume would be 40x40x5=8000cm cubed.

    Post Comment

    The government blames schools and teachers for boys underperforming. However, science tells a different story. Evolutionary biology shows that females have evolved to have better verbal and emotional skills than males because of the need in prehistoric times for women to take the lead in child rearing. By contrast, the need for males in prehistoric times to hunt in packs for food has made males more prone to violence and also skilled at calculating and planning. Neurologists have added to this insight by showing that the male hormone testosterone has an adverse impact on language skills. So clearly differences in educational performance between boys and girls cannot be explained in terms of failing teachers.

    3. Which of the following is the best statement of the flaw in the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    The argument is that differences in educational performance between boys and girls cannot be the fault of teachers. The support given for the argument in the passage relates to biological influences on educational performance differing between males and females. However, no evidence is given which can exclude the idea that poor teaching could contribute to the differences in male and female educational performance, so this theory cannot be disregarded. Answer D highlights that biological causes may not be the only driving factors for the observed differences and hence highlights the flaw.

    Post Comment

    The effect of shortening degree courses at universities from three years to two would be that students would have two-thirds as much time to think about their subject. The result would be graduates whose understanding of their subject was shallower and whose intellectual development was much less extended. Any measure that leads to a lowering of the quality of graduates should be resisted by universities.

    4. Which one of the following conclusions can reliably be drawn from the above passage?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    The passage is arguing that shortening degree courses from 3 years to 2 years is going to cause a lowering in the quality of graduates produced, for various reasons outlined in the text. Ultimately saying that this should be resisted by the universities. Looking at the answer option A, it is a point raised in the text. C, is an irrelevant point, not raised in the text. D, again, is not raised in the text, and would be more of an inference than a valid conclusion. While option E isn’t too much of a stretch to conclude, it is still not highlighting the main objective of the passage. Answer B does this, and can be concluded as a therefore point following all the points raised in the passage.

    Post Comment

    Many people suffer from depression in modern society. This can be alleviated through drugs such as Prozac, which alter the chemical balance of the brain. However, the individual can undergo psychotherapy, which involves talking through problems with a sympathetic and skilled fellow human being with a view to putting the subject in a more positive frame of mind. Depressed individuals who do not like the idea of their brain chemistry being altered should therefore choose psychotherapy.

    5. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The argument is that depressed individuals who do not want their brain chemistry to be altered should choose psychotherapy as their treatment option because drugs used to treat depression alter brain chemistry. For this argument to be valid, it must be that psychotherapy does not affect brain chemistry, as this is the reasoning the argument gives for choosing it over drugs. This assumption is highlighted by E.

    Post Comment

    The petrol tank of Jenny’s car holds 50 litres of petrol. A warning light comes on when only 5 litres are left. She always fills it as soon as she can after the warning light comes The car travels 100km on 8 litres of petrol. Last time she put petrol in, which she was able to do immediately after the light came on, she only had $6 with her so she spent it all on fuel at 60c per litre. She then drove 50km and saw a new garage offering petrol at 50c per litre – an offer too good to miss. She filled the tank completely and paid with her credit card.

    6. How much did it cost?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    She last put fuel in just as the light came on, so when there was 5L left in the tank. She spent $6 on 60c per litre, which would have given her: 6/0.60=10L more of petrol, so at this point there would be 15L in her tank. Next she drove 50km which would have used 4L of petrol (as the car travels 100km on 8L), so her tank would then contain 15-4=11L. She then filled the tank, which means 50-11=39L, at 50c per litre, which would have cost: 0.50×39=$19.50.

    Post Comment

    The following table gives figures for the percentage growth per year of labour productivity per person per year in various countries during three periods.

    Period 1 Period 2

    Period 3


    8.5 3.0 3.2
    France 5.4 3.0


    United Kingdom

    3.6 1.5 2.4
    Belgium 3.3 2.8



    4.1 1.5 1.8
    Denmark 4.3 2.6



    6.3 3.0 1.6
    Netherlands 4.8 2.7



    4.5 3.1 1.6
    United States 2.2 0.0


    7. Which country’s percentage growth per year remained consistently greater than half of its Period 1 level throughout the following periods?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    Work through the possible answers A-E, eliminating until you get to the answer. Half of the period 1 level for France would be 5.4/2=2.7, which is higher than the 2.6 in period 3, so eliminate France. For the UK, half of the P1 level is 3.6/2=1.8, which is greater than the 1.5 in P2, eliminate the UK. For Germany, half P1 level is 4.5/2=2.25, which is higher than the 1.6 is P3, so eliminate Germany. For Denmark, half the P1 level is 4.3/2=2.15, which is greater than the 1.7 in P3, so eliminate Denmark. Therefore the answer must be Belgium: half the P1 level would be 3.3/2=1.65, which is less than the values in both P2 and P3.

    Post Comment

    The diagram below shows a rather unusual conference table which may take up a range of configurations. The three pieces are hinged together at the points shown by the circles:

    8. Which of the following shapes could NOT be made from this table?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    A can easily be made by moving the inferior points of the two side tables towards the centre until they touch. B can be made by rotating the left side table so that its largest side is against the largest side of the table in the middle and rotating the table on the right side so that its most superior (diagonal) side is against the right side of the middle table. C can be made by rotating the table on the left side 180 degrees clockwise and rotating the table on the right side 180 degrees anticlockwise. E can be made by rotating the table on the right side so that its largest side is against the largest side of the middle table and rotating the left table 45 degrees anticlockwise. Therefore the only shape that cannot be made must be D.

    Post Comment

    Zoos are entirely unsuitable places for animals. People visit zoos to learn about animal behaviour but the animals they see are likely to be behaving in abnormal and neurotic ways because of the cramped and unnatural conditions in which they are kept. Zoos should be closed down and the money saved should be reallocated to the protection of natural habitats.

    9. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is E.

    Passage talks about how Zoos do not show animals with normal behaviour so it’s favourable to ditch them and fund to protect natural habitats.

    E – Money already spent on Zoos boosts populations of animals in natural habitats through re-introduction of animals bred in captivity. This weakens argument as there they shouldn’t be abandoned if they benefit the natural habitats

    D is irrelevant whilst A strengthens the argument by reinforcing animals in cramped conditions become anxious

    Post Comment
    G Medicmind Tutor

    Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:03:48

    Doesn't explain why C is wrong

    Observations of the brains of adult human subjects before and after periods of intense memory recall (for instance preparing for the exams taken by London taxi drivers testing their knowledge of London) have shown surprising When comparisons were made between brain scans taken at the start of their preparations and at the end, it was found that the parts of the brain responsible for memory had actually increased in size. This would seem to suggest that, just like a muscle, the brain increases in size and power the more it is used. People who want to improve their overall IQ (Intelligence Quotent), therefore, should simply take a very large number of IQ tests!

    10. Which of the following is the best expression of the flaw in the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The argument is that people who want to improve their overall IQ should take a very large number of IQ tests, because the size and power of the brain increases with use. The support given for this is that .parts of the brain responsible for memory had increased in size after use in exam preparation. However, this example only suggests that the part of the brain responsible for memory increases in size with use, and this cannot be expanded to suggest the same happens with other parts of the brain involved in intelligence without evidence of this. This flaw is highlighted by C. A may be true, but the passage does not imply that taxi drivers are representative of the whole population, but only states what the results ‘suggest’. B is not assumed. D is irrelevant. E goes against the argument but is not an assumption.

    Post Comment

    There is widespread and justified concern about the reliance on expert opinion in law court cases. Where experts disagree on an interpretation of the facts, there is always the possibility that the more charismatic and persuasive expert’s opinion will prevail for this reason alone. Their reason for holding the opinions they do could be more to do with their own personal prejudices than their professional expertise. However, if we want justice to be done, we should distinguish sharply between this and expert evidence which is not reliant on interpretation. It would be a tragedy if key advances in tackling crime such as matching DNA were regarded with suspicion just because such evidence came from an expert witness.

    11. Which of the following is a statement of the main conclusion in the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The passage covers thoughts on the concerns raised on the reliance on expert opinions in law court cases. The passage explores justified reasons as to how personal prejudices can have influence, as well as how someone being called on as an expert may be more persuasive and charismatic, making their opinion more influential on the outcome of the trial. The passage talks about the need to distinguish effectively between expert evidence and expert thoughts and interpretations. Answer option C covers this conclusion perfectly. While answer option A, D, and E are all points raised in the passage, and option B is spoken about but is irrelevant as a conclusion to this passage.

    Post Comment

    Ionnais lives at the bottom of a very steep hill. Worse than that, the post office is at the Every Thursday he must go there to collect his pension. He can only walk at 2 km per hour uphill but manages 4 km per hour downhill. The round trip, excluding the wait at the post office, takes him 4½ hours.

    12. How far is it from his house to the post office?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    Time=distance/speed. The total time is 4.5, which would be the sum of the times for going uphill and downhill, which would be equal to the distance/speed for each part of the journey. Since the distance travelled is the same uphill and downhill, we can represent the distance from home to the post office (or vice versa) as ‘y’. We can form an equation from Time=distance/speed: 4.5= y/2 + y/4 (where y/2 is the time taken uphill and y/4 is the time taken downhill). This can be simplified to 4.5=(2y+y)/4 and then to 4.5×4=3y, then 18=3y, so y=6, which is the distance from his house to the post office.

    Post Comment

    Telephone network operators offer customers a choice of tariffs, with the tariff broken into two parts: (a) a fixed monthly rental charge regardless of use, and (b) a charge per minute of call time used. The table below shows the tariffs offered by five companies; all figures are given in £. I am considering taking a contract with one of these and estimate that I will use 100 minutes of call-time each month.



    user tariff

    Call charge



    user tariff

    Call charge





    Call charge


    50 0.05 20 0.30 0 0.60
    Bellaphone 55 0.05 20 0.25 0



    60 0.05 20 0.35 0 0.55
    Dialfast 65 0.05 10 0.45 5



    70 0.05 10 0.40 0


    13. Which company should I use to receive the lowest telephone bill?
  • 2


    The correct answer is B.

    Post Comment
    anon Medicmind Tutor

    Sun, 08 Oct 2023 16:26:06


    100 pellets of chicken food will feed one large chicken and two small chickens for a day. 175 pellets of food will feed two large and three small chickens for a day.

    14. Which of the following statements is not true?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    Using ‘s’ to represent small chickens and ‘l’ to represent large chickens, you can form a pair of simultaneous equations: 100=1l+2s and 175=2l+3s. Solving these, you could double the first equation and then subtract the second equation from the doubled first equation: (100=1l+2s)x2=(200+2l+4s), (200=2l+4s)-(175=2l+3s), which gives 25=s. Substituting this value of s into the first original equation: 100=1l+2(25) –> 100=1l+50–> l=50. Therefore 25 pellets feed one small chicken for a day and 50 pellets feed one large chicken for a day. The only statement which contradicts these is E, because 3l+10s would be 3(50)+10(25)=150+250=400, so 350 pellets would nopt be enough to feed three large and ten small chickens for a day.

    Post Comment

    A dishonest act, such as stealing money from a handbag or cheating in school, may arise for one of many different reasons. But the reasons may be consistent with the personality of the individual involved. One child may steal, for example, in order to show off; another, to get money to support a hobby (or to get a birthday present for a younger sister); another, to express aggression or hatred against the person from whom he or she One child may cheat in order to avoid punishment for academic failure; another, because of personal ambition; another to express contempt for the system.

    15. Which one of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the passage above?
  • 1


    The correct answer is A.

    The passage explores the reasons behind why individuals may be dishonest in situations where they may steal or cheat. It simply states a range of reasons, from trivial, to good intentions, or hatred. Looking at the answer options, B is irrelevant to the information provided. Whereas answer options C, D and E all illustrate points raised in the passage as to why children steal. Although they are points, neither is an accurate conclusion that can be drawn. Therefore leaving you with the only possible answer option of A, which follows the themes outlined in the text.

    Post Comment

    Unlike motorways in many European countries, British motorways were built with hard shoulders for use in a breakdown or emergency. The proposal to use the hard shoulders to relieve congestion during peak traffic hours should not be adopted. It would be inconvenient for emergency services because when the hard shoulders are in use, it would be difficult for emergency vehicles to reach an accident. Nor would it be likely to significantly reduce congestion because it would be difficult to remove obstructions caused by broken down vehicles, and in any case the volume of traffic is increasing massively each year. But the most important reason is that we should seek to maintain Britain’s relatively good record of safety on Other ways of relieving congestion must be sought.

    16. Which of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The argument states that hard shoulders should not be used to relieve congestion. The penultimate sentence of the passage suggests that the removal of hard shoulders would make Britain’s motorways left safe. For this to be the case, we must assume that hard shoulders in Britain contribute somewhat to road safety, which is highlighted by E.A, B, C and D are not assumptions as if they were not true, the validity of the argument would not be affected.

    Post Comment

    “I tried a speed reading course and read ‘War and Peace’ in three hours. It’s about ” Woody Allen’s joke strikes a chord with many who doubt the effectiveness of speed reading techniques. These techniques usually involve moving your finger smoothly and quickly along lines of text and training your eyes to follow, so preventing your eyes going back over words you have already read, which is what we normally do. There have been reports of readers achieving incredible speeds using these techniques, but such achievements are of limited benefit to many readers, particularly students, who have to gain a deep understanding of what they read.


    17. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    Passage talks about speed-reading it says that it has limited use for students as it doesn’t allow deep understanding of texts.

    C – contradicts this so weakens the argument as it says it leads to deeper understanding

    A and D both reinforce the idea that it doesn’t lead to deeper understanding so strengthens argument

    B and E are irrelevant as they do not refer to how speed-reading can affect understanding

    Post Comment

    A boy is given $1.00 by his grandparents to buy sweets. He decides to spend at least half his money on gobstoppers at 5c each, at least a quarter of his money on fruit chews at 3c each and at least one tenth of his money on pieces of bubble gum at 2c each. He will decide how to spend the rest of the money when he gets to the shop.

    18. What is the possible range of number of pieces of bubble gum he can buy?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    To find the lowest and highest possible numbers of bubble gum pieces he can buy, we need to calculate the lowest and highest possible amounts of money (respectively) that he could have spend on them. He has to spend at least one tenth of his money on bubble gum, which would be:1/10=$0.10=10c, so this is the lowest possible amount he can spend on bubblegum. Therefore the lowest number of bubble gum pieces he can buy at a cost of 2c each is: 10/2=5 pieces. Eliminate answers C, D and E because their lower bound is not 5. To calculate the maximum number of bubble gum pieces he can buy, we need to spend the lowest possible amounts on gobstoppers and fruit chews, leaving us with the maximum amount of money possible to spend on bubble gum. The minimum amount he can spend on gobstoppers is half of his money (50c, which would buy 10 gobstoppers) and that for fruit chews is a quarter of his money (25c). But since each fruit chew costs 3c, he would have to spend at least 27c on fruit chews in order to spend at least a quarter of his money on them. This would leave him with: 100-(50+27)=100-77=23c left to spend on bubble gum. As each piece costs 2c, he could buy: 23/2=11.5 pieces, but since he cannot buy half of a piece, he can buy a maximum of 11 pieces of bubble gum.

    Post Comment

    My friend’s grandmother went on an overseas trip last year visiting several When he visited her this summer she claimed she had not been able to buy him a gift as every country she visited was having a public holiday while she was there. He was very suspicious and consulted his diary to find out whether this was possible.

    International Public Holidays:

    19. What was the longest time she could have been away?
  • 1


    The correct answer is D.

    In the April column, we can see 5 consecutive numbers 9-13, which could correspond to the 5 days she was away. This is the largest number of consecutive days which are all holidays (regardless of the country) and hence is the answer.

    Post Comment

    The diagram shows three pulleys driven by belts. Pulley A and the small, inner pulley at B are 1 m across, the outer pulley at B is 2 m across and pulley C is 4 m across.

    20. Pulley A rotates at a rate of 8 complete turns every second. If the belts do not slip, then how many complete turns every second will pulley C make?
  • 1


    The correct answer is A.

    Post Comment
    Mohammad Eisa Ali Medicmind Tutor

    Wed, 26 Jan 2022 15:34:59

    Explanation is missing here.

    The most common excuse for the poor performance of English school children at learning foreign languages is the fact that English is so widely spoken in the world. Thus, when the English travel to another country, they feel little need to become proficient in the local But that cannot explain why, amongst children who have never travelled outside their own country, the English are still out-performed by their overseas counterparts in foreign language acquisition. One is led to the inevitable conclusion that English schools are deficient in the teaching of languages.

    21. Which of the following is the best statement of the flaw in this argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    The conclusion given is that English schools are deficient in the teaching of languages. The reasoning given for this argument is that’s the fact that English is so widely spoken cannot explain why English are still out-performed by their overseas counterparts in foreign language acquisition. For this argument to be valid, it must follow that there are no alternative explanations for English people’s poor performance in languages other than inadequate teaching in English schools. But answer D highlights that this may not necessarily be the case and hence shows the flaw.

    Post Comment

    If I do more work tonight, I will earn more money. However, if I go for a bike ride, I will get I need to get fitter more than I need more money. So, I will go for a bike ride.

    22. Which of the following most closely parallels the reasoning in the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    If X (I do more work tonight), then Y(I will earn more money). If P(I go for a bike ride), then Q(I will get fitter). I need Q more than Y, so P. D parallels this when X=I do the housework, Y=the house will be clean, P=I go to the pub, Q=I will be relaxed.

    Post Comment

    The increasing use of mobile phones on trains and in restaurants shows a serious lack of consideration for other people. Yes, of course, it is very convenient to be able to conduct your business while travelling or waiting for your food, and, whether we like it or not, the technology is here to stay. But nobody really wants to listen to one end of someone else’s boring conversations throughout a meal or a journey. The same phone user would soon object if I were to read aloud from the newspaper and disrupt his or her Therefore, given that people should treat others in the way they expect to be treated themselves, mobile phones should not be freely used on trains and in restaurants.

    23. Which of the following best illustrates the principle underlying the argument above?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    Post Comment

    Hockey is an 11-a-side game, but a team may consist of up to 16 players, with unlimited substitutions allowed throughout a match of 70 minutes duration.

    Roger captains the Buccaneers hockey team. He has 16 players for today’s match. He will play the whole match himself, as will the goalkeeper. He intends to rotate all the others in such a way that each of them spends the same total amount of time on the pitch.

    24. How much time should each player (except Roger and the goalkeeper) spend on the pitch during today’s match?
  • 2


    The correct answer is B.

    Because neither Roger nor the goalkeeper will leave the pitch, there are 16-2=14 player remaining who need to be rotated and 11-2=9 available spaces for the remaining players on the pitch. As the duration of the match is 70 minutes, the calculation to obtain the number of minutes each of the remaining players should spend on the pitch would be: 9/14×70=45 minutes.

    Post Comment

    Julie lives in London. She has three daughters; April, who lives in New York (where the local time is 5 hours behind London), May, who lives in Vancouver (8 hours behind London), and June, who lives in Tokyo ( 9 hours ahead of London). They all communicate with each other regularly.

    Last week April received a text message from May that said “call me on Wednesday at 23.30 your time.” Unfortunately, the message had been sent to April by mistake and was intended for June.

    25. How much later than expected did May’s phone eventually ring?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    April lives in New York which is 5 hours behind London and June lives in Tokyo which is 9 hours ahead of London. Therefore June’s time zone is 5+9=14hrs ahead of April’s. Therefore April would call May 14hrs later than June would, and since the message was intended for June, may would receive the call 14hrs late.

    Post Comment

    This is a map of the island of Metallica showing the eight main towns (labelled P – W) and the roads that connect them, together with a chart giving the shortest distance (in km) by road between each pair of towns:

    26. Which of the towns on the map is Nickel?
  • 1


    The correct answer is D.

    Nickel is 28km from Gold, so Nickel must be at a dot which has a line representing 28km attached to it. This could be P, Q, W, V, S or T, but since P and V are not given as answer options these can be eliminated, so Nickel could be Q, W, S or T. The next closest town to Nickel is lead, and since there are no lines representing 40km, this must be made up of 2 or more lines. We need to find which of Q, W, S and T are joined to 2 or more lines which add up to 40km. Q is not, W is (W to S=28+12=40), S is (S to W=12+28=40), T is (T to V=28+12=40), so eliminate Q. The next closest town to Nickel is Tin 63km away, using a similar method as we did for 40km: W is not joined to any number of lines equating to 63km, nor is S, but T is (S to T to V to U =28+12+23=63). Therefore Nickel must be T

    Post Comment

    Over-qualification is sometimes cited as a reason for rejecting an applicant for a job. But to qualify means to reach a certain standard regardless of the amount by which that standard is surpassed. If someone holding a first-class honours degree is rejected for a job on the grounds that academic excellence is less important than, say, a caring attitude, this is not a case of over-qualification in one direction but of under-qualification in For this reason, applicants should not be rejected because they are over-qualified; any explanation for failure should always be in terms of shortcomings.

    27. Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the argument above?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    The passage explores why over-qualification is often used as the reason for rejection. Then it argues that there are no circumstances in which someone is actually over-qualified. So this means it shouldn’t be used as a reason for rejection on a job application. A and E are both valid in terms of this. if A is true it supports the statement so is an intermediate conclusion. However E is the main conclusion. B and C are both reasons given but not conclusions. They both support A and E. D is required for E to be valid

    Post Comment

    The so-called ‘baby-boomer’ generation (people born in Britain in the late 1940’s /early 1950’s) will enjoy a good chance of reaching a ripe old-age. They benefited from a diet that was austere but healthy when they were children and this has influenced their adult In addition, people in this age group have given up unhealthy activities such as smoking cigarettes. In contrast, the generation represented by those currently in their 20’s and early 30’s are in danger of experiencing serious health problems which would decrease their life expectancy. This is the ‘Big Mac’ generation whose childhood diet was high in fat and sugar, which they continue to crave. They also show worrying tendencies to indulge in ‘binge drinking’ and other health-threatening activities.

    28. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the above passage?
  • 1


    The correct answer is D.

    The passage talks about the differences between the diet and how the baby-boomer generation have a good chance of reaching old age, due to a healthy diet. Whereas, the Big-Mac generation going into detail about how the lifestyle factors are likely to cause serious health problems as they engage in health-threatening activities. Looking at the answer options, B and C are points that have been made in the text. Options A and E are although plausible, not covering all points raised in the text and therefore cannot be the conclusion as they can be followed by the therefore test and answer D, which can be shown as the main conclusion from the text.

    Post Comment

    A kidney can be taken safely from a living person, and can save the life of a dying patient. Given that the demand for kidney transplants exceeds the supply of donated kidneys, the law in the UK that forbids people to sell one of their kidneys should be abolished, because this would result in a greater number of successful kidney transplants. People are worried that it would involve rich patients exploiting poor potential donors. But selling one’s kidney to support one’s family is not very much different from supporting one’s family by working in a dangerous occupation. Some patients have bought kidneys and received transplants in other countries, where the risks to their life from such operations can be great.

    29. Which of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    The argument is that the law in the UK that prevents people selling one of their kidneys should be abolished, because this would result in a greater number of successful kidney transplants. For this argument to be valid, it must follow that the abolishment of the law would increase the number of available kidneys for transplantation due to and increased number of people selling their kidneys. For this to be the case, it must be that people would automatically begin selling their kidneys once it has be legalised, hence the argument assumes that some people are willing to do this, which is highlighted by B. A,C D and E are not assumptions because if they were not true the validity of the argument would not be affected.

    Post Comment

    In a particular year the month of January (which has 31 days) contains five Fridays.

    30. Which one of the following could NOT be true?
  • 0


    The correct answer is E.

    In order for the month of January to contain five Fridays, it must be initiated on one of the following weekdays: Wednesday, Thursday or a Friday and finish on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. By listing out the possible combinations of the 31 consecutive days including all the Fridays goes as follows:








    From this we can conclude that A. is true, as Friday has to be either the first, second (if January starts on a Thursday) or third (if it starts on a Wednesday). If January starts on a Wednesday, that means there are five Fridays so B could also be true. C is also true since regardless whichever of the days: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday the month starts on, there will still be only four Tuesdays and D also shows that if the month started on a Friday, the 31st date of the month would have to be a Sunday. Meanwhile, E is not correct and therefore is the answer since there would only be 4 Fridays if Monday would be the 31st.

    Post Comment

    A small restaurant is open for 45 weeks each It employs 6 people at total wages of £1200 per week (they are not paid when the restaurant is closed). It is open for lunch on Monday to Friday and dinner on Tuesday to Saturday and on average 20 people eat at each opening. The owners pay rental on the premises of £36 000 per year. Other expenses (insurance, gas electricity, water, rates etc.) come to £9000 per year. The cost of buying food works out at £5 per meal served.

    31. How much must the owner charge for each meal to cover expenses?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    The restaurant employs 6 people at total wages of £1200 per week for 45 weeks which would cost:1200×45=£54000. It is open for lunch on Monday to Friday (5 times a week fro lunch) and dinner on Tuesday to Saturday (5 times a week for dinner), so it is open 10 times a week in total. As on average 20 people eat at each opening and each meal would cost £5 to make, this would cost: 20(people)x10(opening per week)x45(weeks open)x5(cost per meal)=£45000. Additional costs are rental at £36000 per year and other expenses at £9000 per yr. Therefore the total cost for a year would be: 54000+45000+36000+9000=£144000. The number of meals sold per year would be: 20x10x45=9000, so the cost of each meal would need to be: 144000/9000=£16 to cover expenses.

    Post Comment

    Boland City has just installed a new tram system. Several artists have been asked to come up with a map of the system which, whilst it may not show the exact relative positions of the stations, shows the connections between them correctly.

    The five maps are shown below (the names of the stations are not marked).

    32. Four of the artists drew possible maps, but the fifth got the connections wrong. Which map below is based on incorrect connections?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    Each diagram has 4 dots connected to 3 other dots and has 2 dots connected to 2 other dots, except C, which has 5 dots connected to 3 other dots and only 1 dot connected to 2 other dots. Therefore the connections on C are different to on all the other diagrams, so C is the answer.

    Post Comment

    In cricket, the world’s fastest bowlers bowl at speeds of over ninety miles per hour. When the bowler releases the ball he is less than twenty metres away from the batsman, which means that the batsman has less than half a second to react to the ball and select his According to scientists this is impossible, as there is simply not enough time for the necessary thought processes and muscle responses to occur. And yet this is exactly what happens. This just shows how science can all too easily fail to explain things due to its own limitations.

    33. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The argument is that science can fail to explain things due to its own limits. The support given for this in the passage is that scientists say that less than half second is not enough time for the necessary thought processes and muscle responses to occur for a batsman to react to an incoming ball, but it happens despite this. A weakens the argument by giving an alternative scientific explanation for the speed of the batsman’s reaction the ball, contradicting what the argument has stated about science being unable to explain things. B does not affect the argument, C may actually strengthen the argument by giving another example that science may not be able to explain, D has no effect on the argument because it does not confirm nor contradict the fact that their are limits to scientific explanations, E does not weaken the argument because it does not exclude the fact that there are some cases in which batsman may react faster than can be explained by science.

    Post Comment

    Education in this country has entered a spiral of In recent attainment tests, almost half of 11-year-olds performed at an under-average level. The government claims that standards are improving as a result of league tables and National Curriculum Strategies, but these results prove that tests are simply getting easier. We badly need to return to the teaching and assessment methods of the fifties.

    34. Which of the following best explains a flaw in the above argument?
  • 1


    The correct answer is D.

    Post Comment

    It is possible to think that someone is right to do whatever serves his own ends, including murder, theft and deceit, and to admire his ruthlessness. But one cannot think that this is not morally The phrase ‘morally wrong’ is not meaningless. There are some things, such as those mentioned above, which would have to be so described by anyone who was not unaware of the meaning of the expression. That some things are morally wrong can be shown to be true, every bit as decisively as, for instance, it can be shown that snow is white. It is not true that every moral question is ‘a matter of opinion’, still less of taste, personal preference, or choice.

    35. Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is B.

    In this passage the author discusses the meaning of actions defined as morally wrong. They further talk about how some but not all moral questions are matter of opinion. Looking now at the answer options, A, D and E are points around individual issues raised in the text. Option C however does offer a more rounded option, it still does not express as much of the overall theme of the argument as answer option B.

    Post Comment

    The rowing machine in our gym has a display that tells the user how much work they have The display shows the following information:


    distance rowed since starting  
    2 number of calories used per 500 m rowing

    (an average update every 15 seconds)


    time since starting  
    4 number of rowing strokes per minute

    (an average update every 30 seconds)

    Today I have used the machine three times, each time as part of a circuit of training using several machines in the gym. During my third session, I re-set the counter after rowing 500 m.

    distance rowed number of calories used per 500 m rowing
    first 400 m



    600 m 55


    800 m

    60 for the first 500 m


    40 for remainder

    36. How many calories did I use up on the rowing machine?
  • 1


    The correct answer is B.

    For the first session, they rowed 400m at a rate that would burn 50 calories per 500m, which means that they burnt 4/5 of 50 calories = 40 calories For the second session they rowed 600m at a rate that would burn 55 calories per 500m. That means that they burnt 55 calories (in the first 500m) + 1/5 of 55 (=11) calories in the remaining 100m. So overall 66 calories in the second session. In the final session, for the first 500m they burnt 60 calories and in the last 300m they would have burnt 3/5 of 40 calories = 24 calories. This adds up to 84 calories in the third session. Overall this adds up to 40+66+84=190 calories. Therefore the correct answer option is B.

    Post Comment

    When Mrs Brown looks out of her back room window, a bungalow 7m high and 30m beyond her garden fence is just obscured by a shrub in her hedge which is 6m high. She wants to choose a tree to plant beside the shrub which, when fully grown, will have the same effect on a small block of flats 20m high beside the bungalow. However, she does not want it to be much bigger than necessary or it will block out her light.

    The characteristics of some trees are shown below:

    Tree Features Growth Height (m)

    Width (m)

    Copper Beech

    Copper red leaves Average 20.0 13.0
    Flowering cherry Beautiful blossom Vigorous 10.0



    Rugged and sturdy Average 8.0 5.2
    Holly Shiny green leaves Slow 7.0



    Silvery leaves average 4.8 3.8
    Japanese Maple Red autumn leaves Slow 4.0


    Mountain Ash

    Bright red berries average 4.5 2.5
    Sycamore Dense foliage vigorous 13.5


    37. The characteristics of some trees are shown below:
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    Post Comment
    rono Medicmind Tutor

    Sun, 30 Oct 2022 20:36:05

    could you please give an explanation for this question

    anon Medicmind Tutor

    Sun, 08 Oct 2023 16:32:01

    why is it D?

    The graph below shows Northern Ireland house prices as a percentage of the UK average (1980=100%) for the period 1980 to 1986.

    38. Which one of the following pieces of information can be inferred from the graph above?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    Unless we are given information regarding UK house prices, we cannot assume anything about the prices of Northern Irish houses from the graph because whether they are true or false does not depend on the ratio of Northern Irish to UK house prices but rather it depends on Northern Irish house prices, so we cannot presume that A., B., or E. are correct. Also, without understanding what happened to Northern Ireland house pricing, we cannot infer anything about UK house prices therefore C. cannot be correct. On the other hand, D. is true as the gradient of the graph has been positive for some years which suggests that as a percentage of the UK average in that year, Northern Irish house prices increased, therefore we can conclude the answer for this question as D.

    Post Comment

    In attempting to reduce the high injury toll from road offences such as drink-driving, successive governments have tended to rely on the deterrent effect of increasingly severe penalties. However, severe penalties can act as a deterrent only if potential offenders believe that the chances of being detected are moderate or high. Recent surveys have shown that people perceive the chance of detection for the offence of drink-driving as being very small.

    39. Which one of the following can be concluded from the passage above?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The passage talks about how severe penalties are given to high injury causing road offences. The text discusses how surveys have shown that although these act as deterrents, people perceive the chance of being caught to be small. Looking at the answers, B is irrelevant, C is incorrect, and options D and E have not been discussed in the text. This leaves the only plausible answer option as A.

    Post Comment

    Athletes who have huge potential to draw both live and television audiences expect to be rewarded financially for their skill and hours of dedication in training. However, large prize money at televised meetings does nothing to help future generations of athletes who need time off work and good facilities to achieve their potential. The only fair solution is to take a levy from top athletes’ pay to ensure money is available to help the up-and-coming Otherwise the burden will fall on the general taxpayer, or on the future athletes and their families, with the result that some will inevitably fail simply through lack of money.

    40. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    Part of the argument is that some money from top athletes’ pay to ensure money should be made available to help the up-and-coming participants, or else the burden will fall on the general taxpayer. For this argument to be valid, it must be that we do not want this burden to fall on the taxpayer, which is highlighted by C, which is therefore the required assumption. The remaining 4 answers are not assumptions because if they were not true the argument would still be valid.

    Post Comment

    Undoubtedly, early upbringing affects your social adjustment in later life. A recent study demonstrated that many children of parents who act aggressively towards their offspring grow up to be violent as Consequently, if we could stop parents behaving aggressively towards their children, we would be able to eliminate a significant proportion of violence from our society.

    41. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is D.

    Discusses whose parents act aggressively towards them as children, those children grow up to be violent and concludes if we stop this, we could eliminate a lot violence from society

    A – incorrect as passage is talking about if stopping aggression to children would stop violence not making it difficult or impossible

    B – does not weaken the argument as it has no reference to effects of aggression to children

    D weakens the argument as it states there are other factors involved too

    Post Comment

    To take part in the National Lottery, entrants must select six different numbers between 1 and 49 inclusive.

    My mother asked me to buy a National Lottery ticket for her. “Choose any six numbers you like,” she said, “but make sure that each one is a multiple of 3, or contains a 3, or 6 or 9.”

    42. How many numbers can I choose from?
  • 3


    The correct answer is E.

    49/3=16.3, therefore there are 16 multiples of 3 out of the numbers 1-49. In each group of ten, there will be one each of 3, 6 and 9 as the final digit of the number (ie for 3 there is 3, 13, 23, 33 and 43). However, because 3, 6, 9, 33, 36 and 39 are also multiples of 3, we do not need to count these again, leaving us with 3×3=9 more numbers to chose from. Each number in the 30-39 also has at least one 3 in it, but since we have already counted 30, 33, 36 and 39, the 30s give us 6 additional numbers. Altogether we can choose from: 16+9+6=31 numbers.

    Post Comment

    Oliver’s first job is with Bubble Engineering The company grants paid holidays each year on the following basis:

    Length of Employment

    Holiday entitlement
    First 5 years

    20 days

    Sixth to tenth year

    25 days
    Eleventh year onwards

    30 days

    All holidays are granted only at the company’s discretion.

    Employees who are unable to take their entitlement may carry forward up to 5 days to the following year.

    Oliver has decided to leave Bubble Engineering on the tenth anniversary of his starting there. Part of his reason for leaving is that he has never been able to take his full holiday entitlement:

    Holiday Record


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Holiday Granted (days) 10 12 15 12 20 18 25 23 20

    5 so far

    Oliver knows the company always avoids adverse publicity by giving the full entitlement once employees give notice.

    43. How many more days holiday will he get before he leaves?
  • 1


    The correct answer is B.

    He has been working there for 10 years, so his holiday entitlement would fall into the sixth to tenth yr category, so he would be entitled to 25 days holiday. Since he has been granted 5 days so far, and this is the maximum possible number of holidays he could have carried over from the previous year, he is entitled to an additional 25 days holiday.

    Post Comment

    The pattern below shows part of the tiling of a large floor in a community It is made up of two types of tile: a hexagon and a triangle.

    44. For a sufficiently large expanse of flooring, approximately what proportion of the two types of tile will be required?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    We need to find the repeating unit that would make up this pattern with no overlap of tiles. Such repeating unit can be demarcated by counting 6 triangles down from the top left corner, 6 triangles along the top (diagonal) row, then the triangles on the left of the vertical line level with the right edge of the upper left hexagon above the northeast edge of the hexagon, then the remaining triangle above the line level with the northeast edge of the hexagon (against the hexagon’s northwest edge). This would give a total of 12 triangles for 1 hexagon.

    Post Comment

    In Britain, wetland areas have traditionally been used for cattle farming, which requires drainage of the land to allow cattle to graze in summer. However, maintaining the marshy conditions in wetlands is vital to the survival of the varieties of wildlife and plants which are exclusive to such areas. Because the interests of agriculture and of conservation are thus in conflict in wetland areas, water levels should be regulated by an independent body to enable a balance to be achieved.

    45. Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the argument above?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    The passage discusses the use of wetlands for cattle farming, and how there is a dual interest in the land for both agricultural and conservation reasons. The argument then goes on to say that because of this the land is regulated by an independent body to enable a balance. Looking at the answer options, B and D cover points raised in the argument. Options and E are irrelevant to the argument, leaving you with the only viable option of answer A.

    Post Comment

    The proportion of time people devote in their lives to travelling from A to B has been constant over history. So the advent of high speed forms of transport simply means that people will travel greater distances.

    46. Which of the following most closely parallels the above reasoning?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    Post Comment
    Tomiwa. Medicmind Tutor

    Mon, 17 Oct 2022 21:10:01

    The key is "proportion"; since 'x' makes up a CONSTANT proportion of 'y'. Therefore, higher x leads to higher y.

    There has recently been concern about people who have had blood transfusions. Some blood donors have gone on to develop CJD, the human form of BSE i.e. ‘mad cow disease’. There is a small chance that people who have received this blood may also go on to develop CJD. However the risk is small, there is nothing that can be done about this disease, and informing the patient will cause anxiety. For all these reasons, the NHS should not take steps to inform those people who may be at risk.

    47. Which of the following applies the principle used in the above argument?
  • 0


    The correct answer is A.

    Post Comment

    Starting from its depot in town X, a delivery lorry is to make deliveries to three towns A, B and C, in any order which the driver chooses and finally to return to X.

    Straight roads connect each town to every other town.

    48. Depending on the layout of the towns, which of the following could NOT be the shortest journey for him to take?
  • 0


    The correct answer is C.

    Post Comment
    U Medicmind Tutor

    Tue, 25 Jul 2023 14:59:05

    Can some explain this using a diagram please?

    A rainwater butt in Joan’s garden fills from a flat roof of an equivalent area to 25 square The butt holds 200 litres and is full when Joan starts using it in the summer. During the gardening season, 160 litres falls on each square metre of roof. Only half of this is collected as the rest evaporates. Joan uses 100 litres from the butt to top up her garden pond each week for 25 weeks. If there is not enough water in the butt, she completes the job with mains water which is rather expensive. During the summer months there is never enough rain to overfill the butt.

    49. How much mains water would she expect to use in an average summer?
  • 1


    The correct answer is B.

    We are told that during the gardening season 160 litres of rain fall on each square metre of the roof. Since half will evaporate, we can divide this by 2 to give 80 litres per square metre and multiply by 25 to get the total volume collected over the whole roof, giving us 2000 litres. Since the butt never overfills, we can be confident that Joan will be able to use the total 2000 litres. In addition, the butt was already full at the beginning of the season, giving us an additional 200 litres. So overall she is able to use 2200 litres from the rainwater butt. By contrast, she needs 100 litres every week for 25 weeks to top up the garden pond, so she requires 2500 litres over the season. This means that she needs to use 300 litres of mains water to complete her work, and therefore the correct answer option is B.

    Post Comment

    Four triangles of card coloured on one side are joined as shown.

    G = Green

    R = Red

    B = Blue

    Y = Yellow

    The joined triangles are then folded and joined to make a pyramid.

    50. Which of the following could not be a view from above?
  • 2


    The correct answer is E.

    Post Comment

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