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MMI Dentistry Interview Questions 2023

Free Dentistry MMI Stations

Free MMI Scenarios and Questions for you to practice for your Dentistry MMI Interview. Have a pick of the different free Dentistry MMI Mocks we have for you! If you're preparing for your Dentistry Interview and you're worried about topics like the NHS Traffic Light System, Fluoridation of Water or the Banding System - Get to grips with our lovely Dentistry MMI mocks on offer to help guide your revision!

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  • 50+ Practice Questions
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    We Cover 9 Key Dentistry Interview Topics

    Motivation for Dentistry

    18 Lessons
    10 Hours

    Here we tackle the common interview questions on “Why Medicine?” – this is a favourite for MMI Universities and often they’ll have an interviewer who grills you on that single question for 5 minutes! We also explore other topics such as the specialities, important roles of a doctor and the multidisciplinary team.


    Lesson 1
    Why Dentistry?

    In this first tutorial we explore some of the reasons why you’re applying for dentistry and how to formulate your answer. We will also go through model answers and come up with a perfect one for your interview handbook

    Why Dentistry?
    Lesson 2
    Dentistry Specialties

    There are so many different specialities within dentistry itself. We will explore how much you know about these and ensure that you can answer any questions related to this in your interview.

    Dentistry Specialties
    Lesson 3
    Wider Reading

    Commonly you will be asked about some wider reading you have done outside of medicine and why you chose the A-Levels you did. You may be probed on what you have gained from your experience in sixth form so far and how you want to carry this on further into medical school.

    Wider Reading
    Lesson 4
    Why not Medicine or Nursing?

    Medicine and Dentistry are so similar so what makes you pick Dentistry? Is it because it’s so hands-on? It’s important that you don’t disrespect other career choices but also show your drive for dentistry here.

    Why not Medicine or Nursing?
    Lesson 5
    Dentistry Career Ambitions

    What would you like to achieve in your career as a dentist? Do you want to improve patients’ smiles? Do you want to work in a more surgical specialty or does research interest you?

    Dentistry Career Ambitions
    Lesson 6
    Important Qualities for Dentists

    Dental Schools want to know you have insight into what it takes to make a good dentist and whether or not you have the grit or determination they require. Are you up to the mark?

    Important Qualities for Dentists
    Lesson 7
    Challenges of Dentistry

    Being a dentist can be tricky, and dental schools want to ensure you have sufficient insight into the profession. Here we will explore what some of the pros and cons of being a dentist are and how you can display that you understand it well.

    Challenges of Dentistry
    Lesson 8
    MMI Practice 1

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 1
    Lesson 9
    MMI Practice 2

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 2
    Lesson 10
    MMI Mini Mock 1

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 1
    Lesson 11
    MMI Mini Mock 2

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 2
    Lesson 12
    Work Experience ? (Introduction)

    It is quite likely you will get an MMI station which focuses on work experience and you need to be able to draw on what you have done and go beyond what you have already written on your personal statement. This is why we particularly focus on what you have written on your personal statement and ensure we’ve covered all possible questions you will get asked.

    Work Experience ? (Introduction)
    Lesson 13
    Using STARR

    Here we explore how to use the STARR framework when responding to questions on work experience. It’s important to be able to structure your questions well and using this structure helps us formulate answers which will impress the interviewers. In particular, we’ll look at good and bad answers before going through 10+ questions in the interview handbook.

    Using STARR
    Lesson 14
    Work Experience in Dental Practice

    If you’ve carried out work experience in a dental practice, we’ll explore the things you could get asked. Interviewers have a particular set of questions they ask for this so it will be invaluable to gain insight into this. If you haven’t done work experience in a dental practice then don’t worry, we’ll leave this tutorial!

    Work Experience in Dental Practice
    Lesson 15
    Work Experience in Hospital

    It’s quite rare for dental applicants to have this so great if you do but don’t worry if not! This is really useful into giving insight into the secondary care approach of dentistry and hospitals really showcase the latest treatments and methods which you can discuss

    Work Experience in Hospital
    Lesson 16
    Work Experience in Orthodontic Clinic

    Orthodontic Clinics are a great place to see patient-dentist rapport as they are often repeat appointments. What particular areas of communication did you notice the dentist used? We will draw on these in our lessons.

    Work Experience in Orthodontic Clinic
    Lesson 17
    MMI Practice 1 (Work Experience)
    MMI Practice 1 (Work Experience)
    Lesson 18
    MMI Practice 2 (Work Experience)
    MMI Practice 2 (Work Experience)

    Personality & Skills

    11 Lessons
    10 Hours

    One of the main reasons dental schools have interviews is they want to see what sort of dentist you will make which is often hard to tell from aptitude tests and A-Levels. Here we will show you how to display your compassion, empathy and organisation skills which will make you a perfect doctor.


    Lesson 1
    Skills and Qualities

    Using Dentist Mind’s 5 steps, you will be able to answer several personality questions using the same answers! It will also enable you to come across confident and coherent and be able to showcase the wide array of skills you have.

    Skills and Qualities
    Lesson 2
    Inspiration and Emotion

    Here we explore the classic ‘who is your role model’ scenario as well as talking about the importance of sympathy and empathy as a doctor. To discriminate between different candidates, interviewers often choose candidates which show a high level of emotional intelligence which we explore here.

    Inspiration and Emotion
    Lesson 3
    Teamwork and Leadership

    Being able to work in a team is an absolute must as a doctor and we explore scenarios in which you have worked in a team. We will explore why this is important in a dental setting and tie in what you have learned in previous tutorials in motivation for dentistry. As well as working in a team, you need to show clear leadership and explore examples of where you could have improved how you went about leading a team.

    Teamwork and Leadership
    Lesson 4
    Organisation & Time Management

    Dental School can be a difficult time and universities want to make sure you’re able to cope with the pressure. They want to see how you organise yourself and manage your time. As well as motivation for dentistry they want to see you have a life outside of dentistry and we will test you on possible questions involving stress and some of the difficulties faced by dental professionals – in particular newly qualified dentists

    Organisation & Time Management
    Lesson 5
    Personality Scenarios

    After gaining all the knowledge so far, we will delve further by going through some scenarios which put you to the test. This involves a mixture of MMI and direct questioning. You will gain feedback on your progress so far and sit down with your tutor and identify areas you need to improve further.

    Personality Scenarios
    Lesson 6
    Academia and Motivation

    Commonly you will be asked about some wider reading you have done outside of dentistry and why you chose the A-Levels you did. You may be probed on what you have gained from your experience in sixth form so far and how you want to carry this on further into dental

    Academia and Motivation
    Lesson 7
    Thinking Outside the Box

    This is our most popular lesson! We help you tackle some of the most unpredictable scenarios and questions you might get. From being asked who you would invite to a dinner party to where you would travel in the world – these are actual stations that have come up at universities!

    Thinking Outside the Box
    Lesson 8
    MMI Practice 1

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 1
    Lesson 9
    MMI Practice 2

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 2
    Lesson 10
    MMI Mini Mock 1

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 1
    Lesson 11
    MMI Mini Mock 2

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 2

    Hot Topics

    13 Lessons
    10 Hours

    It is crucial for a dental applicant to have an understanding of the NHS and its structure. Particularly contentious at the moment is the current dental contract, making Band 1 treatment free and also the sugar tax


    Lesson 1
    NHS Background

    We will give you a refresher on some of the foundations upon which the NHS was built and how dentistry fits into this. We will discuss whether dental treatment fits the criteria of the constitution

    NHS Background
    Lesson 2
    Units of Dental Activity

    The current NHS Dental Contract was established in 2006 and involves working towards targets of activity known as UDAs (Units of Dental Activity). We will discuss the pros and cons of this and why many dentists are against it.

    Units of Dental Activity
    Lesson 3
    NHS Price Bands

     NHS Dental Care is split into different price bands depending on the level of care that is given. Patients make a contribution to cover the cost of the equipment and materials used in treatment. You are likely to be asked this as Labour aimed to make Band 1 free on their manifesto.

    NHS Price Bands
    Lesson 4
    NHS Traffic Light System

    Dentists give all patients an initial assessment on their oral health and then the patient gets a Red, Amber or Green (RAG) rating, which is used to produce a personalised plan of prevention. What are your thoughts on this proposed system?

    NHS Traffic Light System
    Lesson 5
    Sugar Tax

    In his March 2016 budget, George Osborne announced a new £520m levy on sugar-sweetened drinks to combat child obesity. We will discuss if we should continue and expand the sugar tax or not.

    Sugar Tax
    Lesson 6
    Fluoridation of Water

    Community water fluoridation schemes have operated for over 70 years – the first fluoridation scheme was introduced in the US in 1945. We go through the common interview debate on whether or not water should be fluoridated.

    Fluoridation of Water
    Lesson 7
    Spending Money in the NHS

    The NHS is running out of money fast and is in the biggest crises in decades. What suggestions do you have to make things more efficient? What are the ways that the NHS could save money? If you were in charge of the NHS how would you redistribute money?

    Spending Money in the NHS
    Lesson 8
    NHS v Private Care

    What are some of the reasons patients choose private treatment for their teeth over NHS? What are the key differences between care received privately compared to the NHS?

    NHS v Private Care
    Lesson 9
    Making Dental Care Free

    The NHS is not a money tree and unfortunately dental care is not prioritised compared to other treatments. How important is dental care compared to other treatments provided free on NHS? Can an argument be made to make this free?

    Making Dental Care Free
    Lesson 10
    MMI Practice 1

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 1
    Lesson 11
    MMI Practice 2

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 2
    Lesson 12
    MMI Mini Mock 1

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 1
    Lesson 13
    MMI Mini Mock 2

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 2

    Dental Conditions

    14 Lessons
    10 Hours

    Technical questions you can get asked revolve around the common dental conditions that are treated as well as the barriers to dental health. This is particularly important in tackling diseases such as oral cancer.


    Lesson 1
    Why Patients Undervalue their Teeth

    Teeth are often underestimated for the role they play in the human body. They are hidden away under the lips and are only really shown when people smile or talk so it’s important to understand the impact this has on dental care.

    Why Patients Undervalue their Teeth
    Lesson 2
    Barriers to Oral Health

    This is a loved topic in the Dentistry Interview – In particular because there are so many different reasons in the UK especially why dental care is neglected ranging from socioeconomic factors to psychological ones.

    Barriers to Oral Health
    Lesson 3
    Gum Disease and Periodontitis

    Gum Disease is a big killer in the UK and in your Dentistry Interview you can really show off your knowledge about how it works and the clear definition of periodontitis as many candidates often trip up on this area.

    Gum Disease and Periodontitis
    Lesson 4
    Diabetes, The Heart & Gum Disease

    Research has shown that serious gum disease and diabetes have a circular relationship. Not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious gum disease can make diabetes worse by affecting blood glucose control.

    Diabetes, The Heart & Gum Disease
    Lesson 5
    Oral Cancer

    The first sign of oral cancer is often a small red or white spot or sore in the mouth. It can appear on lips, gums, tongue, cheek lining, or in other parts of the mouth. We discuss a crucial MMI dentistry station here.

    Oral Cancer
    Lesson 6
    Preventative Dentistry

    Preventative Dentistry is everything dentists do before picking up a drill. Learn how this is a part and parcel of a dentist’s day job and show off your broad knowledge of dentistry by picking up the definition of a key concept.

    Preventative Dentistry
    Lesson 7
    Amalgam and Composite
    Amalgam and Composite
    Lesson 8
    Crowns and Root Canal Treatment
    Crowns and Root Canal Treatment
    Lesson 9
    Smoking and Tobacco
    Smoking and Tobacco
    Lesson 10
    Future of Dentistry

    The future of dentistry is very unpredictable – Just in the 2019 Labour Manifesto there was talk of scrapping Band 1 treatment and making it free for all – Will this still be a potential talking point in 2020/21?

    Future of Dentistry
    Lesson 11
    MMI Practice 1

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 1
    Lesson 12
    MMI Practice 2

    Let’s put our work to practice with real MMI scenarios. We will go through these together with you and show you step-by-step the best way of tackling them. The benefit here is the real insight you get from tutors who have been on the other side of the interview before!

    MMI Practice 2
    Lesson 13
    MMI Mini Mock 1

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 1
    Lesson 14
    MMI Mini Mock 2

    You’ll dive into the deep end with mocks! You’ll have a go at the station which we will record and then watch back together analysing areas you did really well and areas you need to work on!

    MMI Mini Mock 2

    Dental Ethics

    13 Lessons

    In this section we tackle the trickiest part of the interview – Dental Ethics. We help you integrate terminology such as the GDC Principles into your answers as well as showing you how to approach common ethical scenarios such as Protecting Patients, Communicating Effectively and Putting Patients First


    Lesson 1
    Dental Ethics Top Tips
    Dental Ethics Top Tips
    Lesson 2
    4 “Medical” Pillars
    4 “Medical” Pillars
    Lesson 3
    GDC Introduction

    Here we introduce the GDC to you and discuss what role it has in your future career as a dentist. It’s important to get ahead of what the GDC does and the rights and responsibilities you have as a dentist.

    GDC Introduction
    Lesson 4
    GDC 1: Putting Patients First

    Here we discuss the first GDC principle, what it means for dentists and also do an MMI station around it. Pay particular attention to the Examiner’s Tips here!

    GDC 1: Putting Patients First
    Lesson 5
    GDC 2: Communicating Effectively

    Here we discuss the second GDC principle, “Communicating Effectively” and integrate an MMI station to give you a real flavour of what to expect in your dentistry interview!

    GDC 2: Communicating Effectively
    Lesson 6
    GDC 3: Obtaining Consent

    Here we discuss the third GDC principle, “Communicating Effectively” and by now you should be getting to grips with using the GDC principles in your answers – most dentistry interview candidates won’t so this will make you really stand out!

    GDC 3: Obtaining Consent
    Lesson 7
    GDC 4: Protecting Patients

    Here we go through the fourth GDC principle “Protecting Patients” with an MMI Focus. It is important to shelter the vulnerable patients such as the very young and old and they are the patients you are likely to be treating.

    GDC 4: Protecting Patients
    Lesson 8
    GDC 5: Complaints Procedure

    Here we go through the fifth GDC principle “Complaints Procedure” with an MMI Focus

    GDC 5: Complaints Procedure
    Lesson 9
    GDC 6: Working with Colleagues

    Here we go through the sixth GDC principle “Working with Colleagues” and your tutor will show you the importance of teamwork and share their own insight into working in dental practices.

    GDC 6: Working with Colleagues
    Lesson 10
    GDC 7: Working within Capabilities

    Here we go through the seventh GDC principle “Working within Capabilities” with an MMI spin to make sure you are taking on board all our knowledge for the dentistry interview

    GDC 7: Working within Capabilities
    Lesson 11
    GDC 8: Raising Concerns

    Here we go through the eighth GDC principle “Raising Concerns” which is an important GDC principle whcih is often forgotten in the workplace as dentists are often afraid of whistleblowing against their colleagues.

    GDC 8: Raising Concerns
    Lesson 12
    GDC 9: Personal Behaviour

    As a future Dental Student you need to ensure you are professional at all times. In this tutorial we go through how to show dentistry interviewers that you are a responsible, confident and assured future dental clinician.

    GDC 9: Personal Behaviour
    Lesson 13
    Bonus Ethical Scenario

    This bonus station is to consolidate all the hard work you’ve done so far and by now you should be an expert in Dental Ethics and be on your way to ace your dentistry interview!

    Bonus Ethical Scenario

    Communication & Data

    8 Lessons

    This can be a real pain for many dentistry interview candidates as it is something that is difficult to practice but fear not, we’ve developed a syllabus written by ex-panellists and senior dentists to help you ace your dentistry interview!


    Lesson 1
    Approaching Role-Play

    Practicing Role-Play is often a favourite for those studying for their Dentistry Interview but it can also be the most disheartening. We’ll go through tips written by current panellists on the Dentistry Interview.

    Approaching Role-Play
    Lesson 2
    Communication: Difficult Patients MMIs

    There’s no doubt there will be one station in your MMI Circuit with an actor who deserves an Oscar! We’ll show you how to not become unnerved by them and to stay cool and resilient throughout.

    Communication: Difficult Patients MMIs
    Lesson 3
    Communication: Picture Station MMIs

    Many Universities will often show you a picture and ask you to describe it – This could be a painting or an emotive image and we will show you what Dental Schools are looking for to ensure you have really grasped it.

    Communication: Picture Station MMIs
    Lesson 4
    Communication: Curveball Scenario MMIs

    This lesson is for all those stations you would never be able to predict – We are not trying to coach you rather trying to hone in your skills for Dentistry Interview

    Communication: Curveball Scenario MMIs
    Lesson 5
    Approaching Data Interpretation

    Cracking Data Interpretation is CRUCIAL for your Dentistry Interview – It’s a struggle for most at their interview so make sure you’re on the ball and can answer anything that they throw at you for your dentistry interview.

    Approaching Data Interpretation
    Lesson 6
    Data Interpretation MMI Practice

    Now we will put the theory for data interpretation into practice and see if you have grasped what we have taught you through our Dentistry MMI Stations on Data Interpretation.

    Data Interpretation MMI Practice
    Lesson 7
    Approaching Calculation Stations

    Whether you’re an expert on maths or not, it’s important to grasp calculations for your Dentistry Interview as they can be easy marks. We’ll teach you some shortcuts to help you save time and give you example scenarios.

    Approaching Calculation Stations
    Lesson 8
    Calculation MMI Stations

    We’ll now put what we covered in the previous tutorial into practice to see if you’ve understood everything you need for your dentistry interview. We’ll cover every possible Calculation MMI Dentistry Station!

    Calculation MMI Stations

    Upgrade to
    1-to-1 Tutoring

    Have a look at this short video to learn how 1-to-1 tutoring can provide you with that extra bit of support to nail your applications! Extra text inserted here to increase space

    Why you should upgrade to 1-to-1 Tutoring

    Interview preparation can seem difficult and intimidating. These may well be the first interviews you’ve ever had and you’re not alone in feeling nervous and unsure about how to prepare for them. Fear not - we’ve designed a course to tackle this issue and it has been a recipe for success for thousands of students in over 106 countries.


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    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!

    Brighton & Sussex

    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!

    St Andrew's

    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!

    St George's

    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!



    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!


    Use the slider to find your university and reveal some of the key areas they focus on in their rounds of interview. Sign up for our tutoring to get a closer look at all the universities we specialise in!

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