University of Manchester Medicine Interview Questions

This article was updated in December 2023 with the latest information, and we will continue to regularly update it! 

For statistics and general information about the University of Manchester Medical School, click here: Manchester Medical School.

medicine MMI circuit
Medicine MMI Circuits
Experience real-life medicine MMIs, with individual feedback on each station to prefect your answers

In this guide we provide an expert insight into past Manchester MMI stations, the Manchester Medicine interview day and tips for converting your Manchester Medicine Interview into an offer! 

MANCHESTER MEDICAL SCHOOL: Manchester is one of the largest Medical Schools in the UK, which is ideal for students who want to meet lots of people on their course. The Medical School has excellent learning resources and the city location makes it beneficial for students who want to be part of a busy environment.
MANCHESTER MEDICAL SCHOOL: Manchester is one of the largest Medical Schools in the UK, which is ideal for students who want to meet lots of people on their course. The Medical School has excellent learning resources and the city location makes it beneficial for students who want to be part of a busy environment.

How Is Manchester Interviewing for 2024 Entry?

Manchester has a 4-5 station MMI, with a 2 minute gap between stations.

What is the Manchester Medicine Interview style?

Due to the pandemic, Manchester had altered their interview format for last year’s intake. They have yet to release their plans for Medicine MMIs in 2023/24. However, they will send out detailed information about the interview format and processing to all invited candidates.

For more information about the interview structure, have a look at this page: Manchester Interviews

Download Free Medicine Interview Notes

    Does everyone do the Manchester MMI circuit in the same order, with the same stations?

    Stations may change across various circuits, however, they are all standardised for marking purposes. Manchester allocated random starting stations for each student but everyone would have to undergo all the stations.

    When are the Manchester Medicine Interviews held?

    December to February. Interviews will take place between December and February, with a break over the festive period. International applicants may be welcome to attend their interview either at Manchester or across a selection of international interview centres including Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and Mauritius.

    What are the common topics covered at Manchester?

    The Manchester MMI is not a test of clinical or scientific knowledge. It aims to assess an array of non-academic criteria related to the skills and behaviors of a professional medical student. 

    Topics covered include:

    • Communication skills
    • Motivation to become a doctor
    • Previous caring experience*
    • Medical interests & Medicine in Media
    • Ethical Debate 

    *In keeping with the events of the last year, Manchester has noted that gaining work experience would have been very difficult. Hence, they have stated that this experience need not be in a traditional medical role. 

    How many interviewed applicants received an offer from Manchester?

    The most recent statistics have not been released. However, in 2019/20, 1120 of the 1546  students interviewed received a Manchester Medicine Offer. This means 1 in 1.4 students received a Manchester Offer after the interview. 

    To learn more about the Manchester Medicine course in general, have a look at their official page: Manchester Medicine

    At Medic Mind we’ve helped many students secure offers from Manchester and other medical schools. If you’re applying to Manchester, we can do a high quality 1-1 mock with you with a Manchester tutor and realistic stations uniquely for Manchester. 

    List of Recent Manchester MMI Stations

    ThemeManchester Example Questions
    Motivation for MedicineWhy Medicine?
    Why Manchester?
    Work ExperiencePractical and emotional experiences in a caring environment
    Roles of healthcare professionals
    Communication & Role-PlayInter-professional communication with colleagues 
    Dealing with distressed people
    Personality & SkillsTeamwork  
    Soft-skills that would be helpful in Medicine
    Coping with Stress
    Data InterpretationPicture scenario – assessing verbal skills
    Medical EthicsRole of the BMA
    End of life care 
    Discussing and interpreting GMC guidelines
    Personal StatementGeneral personal statement questions

    If you wish to practice Manchester MMI medicine stations, here are some sample questions:

    • Why do you want to study medicine at the University of Manchester, specifically?
    • Why medicine and not nursing?
    • What did you learn about yourself during your work experience?
    • How do you manage stress and why is managing stress important as a doctor?
    • Discuss and evaluate the idea of a 7 day NHS.
    • Describe a time when you have worked in a team? Why is teamwork important?
    • Speak to an actor who is a family member of a patient who is dying, comfort them and discuss end of life care with them.
    • You work in a hospital, where you have noticed that one of the members of staff doesn’t wash their hands in between patients, how do you approach this situation?

    To prepare for your Manchester MMI interview, may wish to check out our guide to approaching MMI role plays

    Insider Guide: Manchester Medicine Interview Day

    How did the Manchester Medicine Interview day work?

    The Manchester MMI was moved to a virtual format for the 2020-21 cycle due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past, it had been in-person. For 2024 entry, applicants can select their preferred interview option of online via Zoom, or in-person on campus. A limited number of each option is available.

    It is unclear which format they will be using for this year’s cohort but will be sending detailed information to those invited to an interview. 

    Last year, stations lasted 7 minutes long with a 2 minute gap between stations. No information was provided beforehand and there was no reading or writing aspect to any of the virtual stations. The starting stations were allocated at random, after which applicants would rotate around the rest. Each station was marked by an independent assessor. 

    Prior to the interview, an ID check will be conducted. 

    Historically, in-person interviews have included an optional tour of the facilities. This may or may not be included in the 2021-22 applicant cycle dependent on the nature of the interview as well as COVID guidelines. 

    What did you have to bring for the Manchester Medicine Interview?

    The dress code is as usual for an interview – smart clothes. ID is required, but nothing else specifically. If the interview is held virtually, a strong Wi-Fi connection, working camera and microphone and a quiet and bright space is needed. 

    How did you receive information for each Manchester MMI station?

    Past MMIs included 2 minutes of reading time prior to the stations. The instructions tend to be quite detailed. Manchester has noted that their interview style is conversational and monologues are frowned upon. 

    What were the Manchester MMI examiners like?

    The medical interviewers were engaging and friendly, and showed a genuine interest in you as a student. Manchester looks for students to speak naturally and conversationally, which means that their examiners will engage with this too. The MMI examiners will be genuinely interested in finding out more about you and your experiences off paper. 

    Does the Manchester MMI require technical and/or scientific knowledge?

    While the interview will not require specific medical or scientific knowledge, it is best to have a good grasp of basic sciences, as expected for an A-level graduate. Furthermore, some technical understanding of popular medical advancements, such as the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines might be helpful. Manchester MMIs will require an informed understanding of current media events in Medicine. Reading journals or reputable articles online will help with this.

    Did the Manchester MMI interviewers ask a lot of follow up questions?

    In past interviews, follow-up questions were uncommon and if present, were not from a predetermined list. Often, follow-up questions will be based on something you’ve said that has caught the examiner’s eye.

    How long is the actual Manchester MMI Interview?

    Last year, their virtual MMI cycles lasted roughly 45 minutes to an hour. In-person interviews may take longer due to logistical reasons.

    Logistical advice for the interview? 

    If the interview is held in-person, Manchester University and its medical school are very accessible by local public transport. If you’re coming in overnight, staying anywhere in the city should allow you to get there with ease by the bus. 

    For virtual interviews, ensure you have a quiet and bright space with a strong Wi-Fi connection and working camera and microphone. Ensure you will not be disturbed during your interview and avoid sitting in front of a bright light or window to prevent glare. Ideally, set up your interview space prior to the day and practice in that setting a few times to ensure comfort and logistical ease. If the university allows, it is helpful to have water to sip on throughout the interview.

    How long did it take you to hear back after your Manchester Medicine Interview?

    You will not be accepted into Manchester without an interview. If invited, it takes a few months following the interview to hear back, roughly 2-3 month in the past. 

    CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: Students gain extensive clinical experience from day one, both in the form of placements and with regards to sessions in the Communication Skills Learning Centre (CSLC) with dedicated stimulated patients. Manchester is also one of the few medical schools that still have full cadaver dissections as part of their curriculum.
    CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: Students gain extensive clinical experience from day one, both in the form of placements and with regards to sessions in the Communication Skills Learning Centre (CSLC) with dedicated stimulated patients. Manchester is also one of the few medical schools that still have full cadaver dissections as part of their curriculum. 

    Top Tips for Manchester Medicine MMI Interview  

    1. Know your why! Manchester medical school has a strong focus on delving into the reasons behind your application to Medicine. Be prepared to answer questions about your motivations and inspirations as well as future goals. Avoid clichéd answers.

    2. Studying medical ethics is vital. Manchester focuses on quite specific ethical points, including GMC guidelines. Therefore it’s important to be well informed so you can add content and examples to your arguments.  Here is a great page to help you answer questions about medical ethics: Medical Ethics

    3. Be prepared to talk about work experience. It might be better to go over any notes you made during work experience to refresh your memory. Make sure you’re able to reflect on everything you saw or did! You can also include any information or experiences you’ve gained during your work experience when answering questions about your motivation to study medicine. For further help in structuring your answers for these types of questions, have a look at this page: Model Answers

    4. Try to utilise your reading time to structure your answers. Unlike other universities, you get an extended period of reading time – 2 minutes – with detailed instructions. Therefore it’s important to practice planning your answer in the time allocated to you, and use this reading time wisely.

    5. Don’t rehearse answers! Manchester are very clear on their attitude towards rehearsed and robotic, monologue-style answers. Their format is very conversational and your communication should be tailored to that – i.e.; natural and friendly. Have bullet points prepared for topics that are most likely to come up to serve as a conversational guide but avoid preparing rehearsed answers.

    Covid – 2020 Changes

    Is the University of Manchester Medicine Interview different this year?

    All interviews will take place from December to February, and will be held online or in-person. Your interview will consist of 4 or 5 multiple mini interviews, with each station lasting 7 minutes long and at least a 2 minute gap in between each station. No information will be given to you in advance, and there are no reading or writing components to any of the online interviews. You will be allocated to a station  randomly, and will move around until all stations have been completed.

    Where can I find more information about the changes?

    Full details of the changes for 2024 entry interviews can be found here: 2024 Interviews

    medicine MMI circuit
    Medicine MMI Circuits
    Experience real-life medicine MMIs, with individual feedback on each station to prefect your answers
    Download Free Medicine Interview Notes

      Frequently Asked Question

      →What is the format of the University of Manchester Medicine Interview?

      The University of Manchester Medicine Interview consists of two parts. The first part is a traditional panel interview, which is conducted by a panel of interviewers. The second part is a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI), which consists of a series of short, timed stations, each of which assesses a different attribute or skill.

      →What kind of questions are asked in the University of Manchester Medicine Interview?

      The questions asked in the University of Manchester Medicine Interview can cover a range of topics, including motivation for studying Medicine, communication skills, ethical issues, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. Candidates may also be asked questions related to their personal statement or work experience.

      →How should I prepare for the University of Manchester Medicine Interview?

      Preparation for the University of Manchester Medicine Interview should include familiarizing yourself with the format of the interview, practicing your communication and problem-solving skills, researching the Medicine MBChB programme at the University of Manchester, and reviewing your personal statement and work experience.

      →How long does the University of Manchester Medicine Interview last?

      The University of Manchester Medicine Interview lasts approximately 30 minutes. The panel interview typically lasts around 20 minutes, while the MMI stations are usually 6-7 minutes each.

      →When will I find out if I have been successful in the University of Manchester Medicine Interview?

      You will receive a decision on your application within four weeks of your interview. If you are successful, you will be offered a place on the Medicine MBChB programme at the University of Manchester.

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      Post as “Anonymous”


      AnonymousMedic Mind Tutor

      25 March 2021

      Has the selection already finished?

      [email protected]Medic Mind Tutor

      17 January 2024

      Medicine interviews at Manchester University are usually held between December and March. The selection process can happen within this timeframe, with successful candidates being invited via the UCAS portal.

      AnonymousMedic Mind Tutor

      19 November 2021

      are there any recent updates to this info?

      [email protected]Medic Mind Tutor

      17 January 2024

      We have updated our article for the 2024 entry requirements for the medicine interviews and Manchester University. We will continue to update our articles to reflect any changes.