BMAT Scoring - What is a good BMAT Score?

When it comes to the BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test), understanding the scoring and results is crucial. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of BMAT scoring.

How is BMAT scored?

The BMAT is divided into three sections; each scored out of nine points. These three sections are

  • Section 1: Aptitude and Skills
  • Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications
  • Section 3: Writing Task

Section 1 and Section 2 are multiple-choice questions, and the number of correct answers determines your score. There is no negative marking, so it’s better to guess than to leave a question unanswered. 

Section 3 is an essay question, which is scored by two examiners independently. Your score in Section 3 is based on the quality of your writing, including structure, coherence, and relevance to the prompt.

SectionMarkingFinal score
Section 1: Thinking Skills1 mark per questionRaw marks are converted to BMAT’s scale:
1.0 (low) to 9.0 (high)
Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications1 mark per questionRaw marks are converted to BMAT’s scale:
1.0 (low) to 9.0 (high)
Section 3: Writing TaskOne score for quality of content
One score for quality of written English
Scale of 0.0 (low) to 5.0 (high)
Scale of A (high) to E (low)

The scores for the three sections are added together to form your overall BMAT score, which ranges from 0.0 to 23.0, which is the sum of these three sections, i.e., 9.0 + 9.0 + 5.0 = 23.0.

The highest possible score for each section is 9.0, and the average BMAT score is usually around 6.0, but this can vary depending on the year and the university.

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When Will I Get My BMAT Score?

You can expect to receive your BMAT score approximately two weeks after you take the test. Your score report will show your scores for each section, your overall score, and a graph showing how your score ranking compares with those of other BMAT candidates. This graph is called the “BMAT score report,” and it is divided into four bands: 

  • Band 1 (the top 10% of candidates)
  • Band 2 (the next 20%)
  • Band 3 (the next 40%)
  • Band 4 (the bottom 30%)

Your score in each section will also be assigned to one of these bands.

Ultimate guide to BMAT 2023 Test Scores
BMAT Test Scoring & Grades

What is a good BMAT score?

A good BMAT score will depend on the university you are applying to and the course you want to take. Generally, a score of around 6.0 is considered average, and a score of 7.0 or higher is considered a good BMAT score. However, it’s best to check with the universities you are applying.

BMAT Section 1 & 2 Scoring Explained

Sections 1 and 2 of the BMAT are multiple-choice questions, and the scores are based on the number of correct answers. There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so it’s always better to guess than to leave a question unanswered. Your score for each section is calculated based on the number of correct answers.

BMAT Score Conversions Section 1 & 2

Point Marks Section 1BMAT Score
Point Marks Section 2BMAT Score

You can find the previous year’s BMAT test scores on the official BMAT website. These scores give you an idea of how well other test-takers performed and what score ranking you need to aim for to increase your chances of getting into your desired university.

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    BMAT Section 3 Scoring Explained

    Section 3 of the BMAT is a writing task that is scored by two examiners independently. Your score for this section is based on the quality of your writing, including your argumentation, structure, coherence, and relevance to the prompt. 

    Each examiner assigns a score from 0.0 to 5.0, and the two scores are added together to form your final score for Section 3, which is then added to your overall BMAT score.

    BMAT Section 3 writing task
    BMAT Section 3 

    BMAT Score Conversions Section 3

    Quality Of EnglishQuality Of Content
    Band AGood use of English, good sentence structure, good use of grammar and vocabularyScore 1The essay has some bearing on the question but does not address it fully
    Band Creasonably fluent/not difficult to read, appropriate use of vocabulary & grammar, minor errorsScore 2Addresses most of the question, but has significant elements of confusion
    Band EWeak English proficiency, flawed sentence structure, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errorsScore 3Reasonably well-argued, may have weakness in the argument
    Score 4Good answer with few weaknesses, all aspects of the question are addressed
    Score 5Excellent answer with no significant weaknesses

    What Difference Does A-Level Choice Make To Your Score?

    Your A-level choices can impact your BMAT score in some cases. For example, if you take A-levels in biology, chemistry, and physics, you may have an advantage in the scientific knowledge and applications section of the BMAT. 

    However, this is not always the case, and taking different subjects may not necessarily put you at a disadvantage. It’s best to focus on developing your knowledge and skills in the areas tested by the BMAT.

    BMAT Remarking

    If you are unhappy with your BMAT score, you may request a remark of your test. However, this is a costly process, and there is no guarantee that your score rankings will change. In most cases, a remark will only be granted if there is evidence of an error in the marking process.

    BMAT 2023 Scoring & Markings
    BMAT Score Remarking

    How Are BMAT Scores Used?

    Universities use BMAT scores as part of their admissions process. Some universities use BMAT scores to decide whether to invite candidates for an interview, while others use them as part of their selection criteria

    BMAT scores are just one factor that universities consider when deciding which candidates to accept, and they will also take into account your academic record, personal statement, and performance at interview.

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    Tips for improving your score

    If you want to improve your BMAT score, there are several things you can do. Firstly, make sure you are familiar with the format and content of the test. Practice with past papers to get a sense of the types of questions that will be asked. 

    Secondly, develop your scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills. This can be done by reading widely in science and philosophy, attending lectures and seminars, and seeking opportunities to apply your knowledge. 

    Finally, work on your writing skills. This can be done by practicing writing essays, seeking feedback from teachers and peers, and learning how to structure your arguments effectively.

    In conclusion, the BMAT scoring process can seem complex, but it is essential to understand if you want to pursue a career in medicine or related fields in the UK. By focusing on developing your knowledge and skills, practicing with BMAT past papers, and seeking feedback, you can increase your chances of achieving a good BMAT score and getting accepted into your desired university. By supplementing your BMAT preparation with our 1-1 tutoring and online courses, you can gain additional support and resources to help you excel on test day. For last minute preparation for the BMAT, try our BMAT crash course.


    Q: Is there a passing score for the BMAT?

    A: There is no passing or failing score for the BMAT. Your score will be considered alongside other factors in the admissions process.

    Q: Can I take the BMAT more than once?

    A: Yes, you can take the BMAT multiple times, but you will need to pay a fee for each test. Most universities will consider your highest score, so it’s best to focus on improving your score rather than taking the test multiple times.

    Q: What happens if I am unable to take the BMAT on the test date?

    A: If you are unable to take the BMAT on the test date due to illness or other reasons, you may be able to apply for a refund or reschedule your test. Check the official BMAT website for more information.

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