Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview Questions

This article was updated in December 2023 with the latest information, and we will continue to regularly update it! 

Brunel Medical School has a 6 station MMI, with each station lasting 5 minutes. In this guide we provide an expert insight into past Brunel Medical School MMI stations, the Brunel Medical School interview day and tips for converting your Brunel Medical School interview into an offer! 

medicine MMI circuit
Medicine MMI Circuits
Experience real-life medicine MMIs, with individual feedback on each station to prefect your answers

How is Brunel Interviewing for 2024 Entry?

The Brunel Medical School

Brunel University interviews will be held online via Zoom for 2023/24 entry. They will be in the form of virtual MMIs and candidates will face six stations, each designed to assess a different attribute.

Interview StyleMMI – Multiple Mini Interviews
Interview DatesDecember, February and March
Interview TopicsThe topics cover your usual medicine interview topics, with a focus on GMC attributes for medical students and practicing medical doctors. 
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    List of Recent Brunel Medical School MMI Stations

    Motivation for MedicineIt is possible to be asked this question – try to avoid generic answers – reflect on both your life experiences and work experiences that have led you to decide to pursue a career in Medicine. Make it personal!
    Work ExperienceIt is possible to be asked this question – make sure that when you are talking about yoru work experience that you are reflecting on the actions of the healthcare professional, not simply stating what you saw. You should demonstrate an understanding of the important qualities of the healthcare professional
    Communication & Role-PlayDemonstrating your communication skills is important in these sessions. 
    It is possible Brunel Medical School interviewers can conduct a role-play scenario, but it is not guaranteed. 
    Personality & SkillsShow the examiners who you are, and help them understand why you hope to have a career in medicine. Don’t be afraid to share your experiences and show enthusiasm towards your passions, where relevant. 
    NHS Hot TopicsRead up on NHS hot topics, and develop a balanced argument for each one Examples include:
    – Brexit and the NHS
    – HIV and PrEP
    – Abortion
    – Euthnasia
    – Public Health
    – BAME and the NHS
    – Junior doctor contract
    – Mental health
    – Organ donation
    – Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases
    – Antibiotic usage
    Medical EthicsKnowing how to apply the 4 Pillars of Medical Ethics is important, alongside the 3C’s. These are your best friends!
    Personal StatementBrunel Medical School will look for indications that the statement is personal, true and written in a way that only you, the individual applying to medical school, could write it.
    UCATApplicants will be ranked according to their UCAT score – students with the highest UCAT scores will be invited to interview until all interview slots are filled.

    Insider Guide: Brunel Medical School Interview Day

    How did the Brunel Medical School MMI Interview day work?

    The interviews will be in the form of Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) and these will be held online. MMIs will be a series of 6 mini-interview stations, each lasting 5 minutes and designed to assess an attribute, blueprinted to Good Medical Practice. Candidates are marked on their performance in each of the 6 stations and their final score will be the sum of those marks.


    What did you have to bring for the Brunel Medical School MMI Interview?

    Prior to the interview, each candidate will receive an online interview pack, explaining the process in detail.

    How did you receive information for each Brunel Medical School MMI station?

    You should receive the questions from the interviewers at each station. You will be given roughly one minute to read through the question. 

    You should make note that for Brunel Medical School, the questions for each station will essentially be based around the Good Medical Practice Guidelines – make sure you read through this and have a well-rounded understanding of the Good Medical Practices before your interview. 

    What were the Brunel Medical School MMI examiners like?

    The examiners are generally quite friendly and for the mostpart, will guide you in the right direction. However, there will be some examiners that appear to be cold and stand-offish – this does not mean your answers are bad or wrong! Some examiners choose to adopt this behaviour to create an unbiased interview, or to see how you react to similar stressful situations. 

    Did the Brunel Medical School MMI interviewers ask a lot of follow up questions?

    You should expect follow-up questions, but it is not always the case for Brunel Medical School. If appropriate, the interviewers will prompt you with questions to help gain a better insight into your personality and opinions.

    How long is the actual Brunel Medical School MMI Interview?

    The actual MMI interviews should last 30 mins, but consider allowing up to one hour for setting up your space for the interview, the briefing before the interview, and debriefing after the interview.

    How long did it take you to hear back after your interview?

    It should take around 1-4 weeks to hear back from Brunel Medical School.

    Top Tips for Brunel Medical School Medicine MMI Interview

    1. Show off your personality!
      The interviewers want to meet you, not the answers you have memorised – do not be afraid to let your personal attributes permeate through. Don’t be afraid to show off your good attributes both verbally and non-verbally!
    2. Understand how to make a balanced argument
      While knowing the four pillars of medical ethics is important for all your interviews, you should also know how to apply this knowledge too! Practise using these pillars on various medical scenarios, or NHS hot topics listed above.
    3. Practice being interviewed
      You should practice with a friend or family member, and record it. Re-watch the recording and reflect on what went well, and what you can improve on. Ask the friend or family member that helped you to provide you with constructive feedback.

    For more information on Brunel Medical School interviews, please see their website.

    medicine MMI circuit
    Medicine MMI Circuits
    Experience real-life medicine MMIs, with individual feedback on each station to prefect your answers
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      Frequently Asked Question

      →What is the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview?

      The Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview is a part of the application process for the MBBS program at Brunel University London. It is a structured interview designed to assess candidates’ communication skills, knowledge of the medical profession, and personal attributes such as empathy, compassion, and resilience.

      →What kind of questions can I expect in the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview?

      The questions in the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview are designed to assess your motivation, suitability, and understanding of the medical profession. Some examples of questions you may be asked include:

      Why do you want to study medicine?
      What qualities do you possess that would make you a good doctor?
      How have you prepared for the challenges of studying medicine?
      What experience do you have that demonstrates your interest in the field of medicine?
      What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the medical profession today?
      How do you deal with stress and pressure?
      How would you approach a situation where a patient refused treatment?

      →How can I prepare for the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview?

      To prepare for the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview, you should research the MBBS program at Brunel University London and familiarize yourself with the medical profession. You should also practice answering interview questions, either with a friend or by recording yourself and reviewing your answers. It is important to prepare examples from your own experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the program and the profession.

      →Who conducts the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview?

      The Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview is conducted by a panel of interviewers, usually comprising medical professionals, academics, and admissions staff.

      →Can I appeal the decision made after the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview?

      It is possible to appeal the decision made after the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview. However, appeals are only considered in exceptional circumstances, such as if there was a procedural error during the interview or if new evidence has come to light that was not available at the time of the interview.

      →How important is the Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview in the application process?

      The Brunel Medical School Medicine Interview is a crucial part of the application process for the MBBS program at Brunel University London. It is used to assess candidates’ suitability for the program and the medical profession, and it is given significant weight in the overall application decision.

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