Your Ultimate PLAB Guide: Tips and Tricks for Success

A green board with white chalk writing that reads "PLAB Exam".
Are you preparing for the PLAB Exam? This green board is a friendly reminder to keep your focus on your goal and work towards achieving it!

Welcome to “Your Ultimate PLAB Guide: Tips and Tricks for Success” – the go-to resource for anyone preparing to take the PLAB exam. If you’re a medical graduate looking to practise medicine in the UK, passing the PLAB exam is a crucial step in your journey. But we know that preparing for this test can be overwhelming. There’s so much information to absorb and many resources to choose from.

That’s where we come in. Our team of experienced medical professionals has compiled this comprehensive guide to help you confidently navigate the PLAB exam. From understanding the exam format and content to developing effective study habits and test-taking strategies, we’ve got you covered.

Our guide has practical tips and insider advice to help you succeed on test day. We’ll also share some common pitfalls to avoid and respond to some of the most frequently asked questions about the PLAB exam.

Whether you’re just getting started or in the final stages of preparation, our guide has something for everyone. So please sit back, relax, and let us help you achieve success on the PLAB exam.

Understanding the PLAB Exam

The PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) exam is a two-part exam that assesses the knowledge and skills of international medical graduates who wish to practise medicine in the UK. The exam tests candidates’ ability to apply their medical knowledge in UK healthcare settings.

The PLAB exam consists of two parts – PLAB 1 and PLAB 2. PLAB 1 is a multiple-choice exam that assesses the candidate’s theoretical knowledge of medicine. PLAB 2 is a practical exam that tests the candidate’s clinical skills in simulated scenarios.

Breakdown of the Exam Structure, Including the Two Parts (PLAB 1 and PLAB 2)

PLAB 1 is a computer-based exam consisting of 180 multiple-choice questions. The exam is divided into two parts, each with 90 questions. The exam covers various topics, including basic medical sciences, clinical, and communication skills.

PLAB 2 is a practical exam that assesses the candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge in clinical settings. The exam consists of 18 clinical scenarios, each lasting 8 minutes. The scenarios cover a range of specialities, including medicine, surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology.

Tips for Understanding the Exam Format and What to Expect

To succeed on the PLAB exam, it’s essential to understand the exam format and what to expect on test day. Here are some suggestions to help you train:

  • Acquaint yourself with the exam format and structure.
  • Review the exam syllabus and identify areas where you need to improve.
  • Practice with past papers and sample questions to understand the exam style.
  • Develop a study plan that includes regular practice and review sessions.
  • Consider taking a PLAB preparation course or working with a tutor to get personalised guidance and support.

By following these tips and investing time and effort in your PLAB exam preparation, you can boost your possibilities of success on test day.

Developing Effective PLAB Study Habits

Effective study habits are critical for success on the PLAB exam. Developing a study plan is essential in creating a structured and productive study routine. A study plan helps you set goals, prioritise tasks, and stay on track throughout your PLAB exam preparation.

Creating an Effective Study Schedule

A computer screen displaying a virtual study plan for the PLAB exam.
Planning your study schedule is essential when preparing for the PLAB exam. Image Source

Creating an effective study schedule is essential for maximising your study time and achieving your PLAB exam goals. Here are some advice to help you construct a study schedule that works for you:

  • Start by identifying your study goals and the topics you need to cover.
  • Consider your daily schedule and find blocks of time you can dedicate to studying.
  • Schedule regular study sessions at the same time each day to build a routine.
  • Break down your study sessions into manageable fragments and take short breaks between each session.
  • Use a planner or study schedule template to track your progress and stay motivated.
medicine online tutor
PLAB 1-1 Tutoring
Receive personalised tutoring from our PLAB experts, helping you ACE the PLAB1 and PLAB2 exams!

Strategies for Studying Effectively, Including Time Management and Avoiding Burnout

Studying effectively is more than just setting aside time for study sessions. It also involves managing your time efficiently and avoiding burnout. Here are some strategies to help you study effectively and avoid burnout:

  • Use active learning techniques such as PLAB practice questions, flashcards, and summarising notes.
  • Use a timer to break your study sessions into manageable chunks and take regular breaks.
  • Avoid distractions by studying quietly and turning off your phone or other electronic devices.
  • Get adequate rest, eat a nutritious diet, and exercise regularly to maintain good physical and mental health.
  • Take breaks and participate in activities you enjoy to reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Incorporating these study habits into your PLAB exam preparation can improve your focus, productivity, and overall study outcomes.

Test-Taking Strategies

A female doctor in a medical robe, sitting at a desk with a clipboard and pen.
Hard work and determination are key to passing the PLAB exam. Image Source 

Test days can be stressful, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can confidently approach the PLAB exam. Here are some crucial tips and schemes for success on test day:

  • Arrive early at the test centre to allow check-in time and get settled.
  • Take deep breaths and try to stay calm and focused throughout the exam.
  • Read the instructions carefully before starting each section of the exam.
  • Use scratch paper to jot down notes or make calculations.
  • Pace yourself, and don’t spend too much time on any questions.

How to Manage Time During the Exam

Time management is crucial during the PLAB exam, as you’ll have limited time to complete each section. Here are some recommendations for managing your time effectively during the exam:

  • Use the timer on your computer or watch to keep track of your time.
  • Prioritise questions based on difficulty and time required to answer.
  • Only spend a little bit of duration on any one question. If you’re struggling, move on and return later if you have time.
  • Pace yourself and stick to your study schedule as closely as possible.

Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions and Clinical Scenarios

The PLAB exam includes both multiple-choice questions and clinical scenarios. Here are some strategies for answering each type of question:

Multiple-Choice Questions:

  • Read the question carefully and pay attention to details such as key phrases, keywords, and answer choices.
  • Eliminate incorrect answer choices to narrow down your options.
  • Use educated guessing to make an informed guess if you need clarification.

Clinical Scenarios:

  • Read the scenario carefully and make a note of any important details.
  • Formulate a differential diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history.
  • Consider the most likely diagnosis and treatment plan based on the information provided.
  • Practice with sample clinical scenarios to understand the exam style and format.

By incorporating these test-taking strategies into your PLAB exam preparation, you can confidently approach the exam and increase your chances of success.

Common Mistakes That Can Lead to Failure on the PLAB Exam

The PLAB exam is a challenging test that requires focused preparation and execution. However, many candidates must avoid common pitfalls that can hinder their performance and lead to failure. 

Here are some everyday mistakes to avoid when preparing for the PLAB exam:

Poor time management

Managing your time effectively during the exam can prevent you from wasting time and leaving questions unanswered.

Neglecting clinical scenarios

The PLAB exam includes clinical scenarios requiring a different approach than multiple-choice questions. Neglecting to practise clinical scenarios can lead to poor performance in this section.

Memorising instead of understanding

Relying solely on memorization can lead to difficulty answering questions requiring critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Lack of practice

Practising enough can prevent you from feeling unprepared and overwhelmed on test day.

Anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress can negatively affect your performance, causing you to forget information and make careless mistakes.

Strategies for Avoiding These Mistakes on the PLAB Exam

Avoiding these common mistakes is critical to your success on the PLAB exam. Here are some strategies to help you avoid these pitfalls:

  • Create a study plan with dedicated practice time for clinical scenarios and time management skills.
  • Focus on understanding concepts rather than memorising information.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Use practice exams and questions to simulate the test-taking experience and build confidence.
  • Incorporate stress-reducing techniques into your study routine, such as exercise, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

How to Remain Calm and Attentive During the Exam

Staying relaxed and focused during the exam is paramount to your success. Here are some tips for staying calm and focused on test day:

  • Take deep breaths and try to stay calm and focused throughout the exam.
  • Use optimistic affirmations to expand your confidence and reduce anxiety.
  • Use time management skills to stay on track and avoid rushing through questions.
  • Take breaks if needed, but only spend a little time away from the exam.
  • Trust in your preparation and believe in yourself.

By avoiding common pitfalls and staying calm and focused during the exam, you can increase your chances of success on the PLAB exam.

Changes to PLAB 2024

Medical students that graduate from UK universities from 2024-25 onwards will need to pass the MLA before they can join the medical register. This will supersede the PLAB. The MLA will include:

  1. Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) – an online exam with multiple choice questions, testing your ability to apply medical knowledge to different scenarios.
  2. Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA) – a structured clinical exam that reflects real-life clinical settings

You can check out our AKT question bank for support in your MLA preparation.


The PLAB exam is a challenging but important step in becoming a licensed physician in the UK. Success on the PLAB exam requires knowledge, preparation, and effective test-taking strategies.

Understanding the exam format, developing effective study habits, and avoiding common traps can increase your chances of success on the PLAB exam. Remember to create a study plan, focus on understanding concepts rather than memorising information, and practise with sample questions and exams.

On test day, stay calm and focused, use time management skills to stay on track, and trust your preparation. With these strategies, you can confidently approach the PLAB exam and achieve your goal of becoming a licensed physician in the UK.

We hope this ultimate PLAB guide has provided valuable tips and tricks for success on the exam. If you have any inquiries or want more information, please get in touch with us. Good luck on your PLAB journey!


What is the passing score for the PLAB exam?

The passing score for the PLAB exam is not fixed but rather based on the performance of all candidates. The General Medical Council sets a standard for the percentage of candidates that should pass the exam. The passing score is determined based on this standard.

How long does it take to prepare for the PLAB exam?

The amount of time it takes to prepare for the PLAB exam can vary depending on your level of knowledge and experience. However, most candidates spend several months preparing for the exam, with a recommended study period of at least 3-4 months.

What is the best way to prepare for the clinical scenarios section of the PLAB exam?

The best way to prepare for the clinical scenarios section of the PLAB exam is to practise with sample scenarios and questions. It is also important to familiarise yourself with the format of the scenarios and the skills required to answer them effectively.

How many times can I take the PLAB exam?

There are restrictions on how many times you can take each part. You can only take PLAB 1 four times and PLAB 2 six times.

Can I use a calculator during the PLAB exam?

You cannot use a calculator during the PLAB exam. You will need to be comfortable with mental calculations and estimation and using conversion tables and formulas.

Is there a limit to the number of attempts I can make to pass the PLAB exam?

There is a limit to the number of attempts you can make to pass the PLAB exam and you must pass both PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 within a certain timeframe. You must pass PLAB 1 within two years of the date you first passed the exam and PLAB 2 within three years of passing PLAB 1.

  • Meta-Title which is captivating and has the keyword?
  • Meta-Description 150-160 characters with keywords?
  • Grammarly and Plagiarism
  • 3 Images with Alt-Text?
  • Catchy introduction with Keyword?
  • Multiple H2 with Keyword?
  • Internal Links
  • External LInks
  • H2, H3?
  • Tables?
  • Bulleted Lists?
  • Short sentences and paragraphs? 
  • Important words/phrases highlighted?
  • 4-5 FAQs with relevant keywords? (Answers 2-5 sentences long)
  • Keyword Density 5% in text
  • Related Keywords checked? 
  • 800-1200 words? 
  • Topic included in conclusion

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